Big Pharma’s Payoff Big Pharma’s Payoff
Talk about good times for Washington's mercenary culture. Even as officials scrambled to explain why they had not acted more quickly to protect postal workers from anthrax contami...
Oct 25, 2001 / The Editors
Art & the Towering Sadness Art & the Towering Sadness
Not long after the attack on the World Trade Center, when my wife and I sat dazed and weeping by the television screen, a call came through from a journalist wanting to know what ...
Oct 25, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Arthur C. Danto
The Left and the Just War The Left and the Just War
The left is getting itself tied up in knots about the Just War and the propriety of bombing Afghanistan. I suspect some are intimidated by laptop bombardiers and kindred bully bo...
Oct 25, 2001 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
A Legal Recounting A Legal Recounting
Judge Richard Posner of the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit is an intellectual force to be reckoned with. The author, seemingly, of more books written whil...
Oct 25, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Leonard H. Becker
‘Blowback,’ the Prequel ‘Blowback,’ the Prequel
The story of what historians call the second cold war often begins with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979, which shocked Americans into their own overreaction i...
Oct 25, 2001 / Column / Eric Alterman
Never Shut Up, New York Never Shut Up, New York
Al Giordano is currently a free-speech defendant in the New York State Supreme Court [see Mark Schapiro, "Drug War on Trial," September 17, 2001].
Oct 25, 2001 / Feature / Al Giordano
Nuclear Power & Terrorism Nuclear Power & Terrorism
See also "Nuclear Safety" by Matt Bivens.
Oct 24, 2001 / Feature / Matt Bivens
A True Patriot Can Pose Hard Questions A True Patriot Can Pose Hard Questions
War skeptics such as Richard Gere, Susan Sontag, Rep.
Oct 23, 2001 / Column / Robert Scheer
Letters Letters
TERRORI$T CA$H--$TAY$ CLEAN St. Clairsville, Ohio Lucy Komisar's June 18 "After Dirty Air, Dirty Money," on money-laundering [posted on the Nation web...
Oct 18, 2001 / Roane Carey and Our Readers
On V.S. Naipaul’s Nobel Prize On V.S. Naipaul’s Nobel Prize
So V.S. Naipaul finally gets the prize. It's said he's willing, through unblinking eyes, To make his observations, then recall The bleakest Third World countries, warts and al...
Oct 18, 2001 / Column / Calvin Trillin