
Cloud After Auschwitz Cloud After Auschwitz

You have "little trace," exclaimed Gershom Scholem in a letter he sent to the great Jewish political philosopher Hannah Arendt, of "love for the Jewish people." It was the early ...

Oct 26, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Neve Gordon

Taking the Initiatives Taking the Initiatives

In Michigan, it's a battle over school vouchers. In Alaska the fight is over medical marijuana. Nebraskans are being asked to outlaw civil unions. In Colorado, Amendment 25 would...

Oct 26, 2000 / The Editors

For Democracy Now! For Democracy Now!

Pacifica listeners, the most politically pumped-up demographic in Radioland, are taking to the e-mails again. This time they're galvanized by what they see as a move to oust Amy ...

Oct 26, 2000 / The Editors

A Texas ‘Advocate for Justice’ A Texas ‘Advocate for Justice’

The judge who chided Bush over aid to children is part of a state tradition.

Oct 26, 2000 / Feature / Lou Dubose

Down to the Wire Down to the Wire

Show-off argumentation or dime-store vision? It's too close to call.

Oct 26, 2000 / Feature / David Corn

My Crow, Your Crow My Crow, Your Crow

Crow light: I call it that at dawn when one wing, then this other, bursts in flame, catching the sun's rising. The stupid bird, dipping his hunk of bread into the water, does...

Oct 26, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Peter Cooley

The Day After The Day After

In Chicago, in mid-October, I did a radio show with the Bill Buckley-ish Milt Rosenberg of WGN, a big station. Rosenberg said that because of the fairness doctrine our discussio...

Oct 26, 2000 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

Not One Vote! Not One Vote!

Bernie Sanders is right. Ralph Nader is "one of the heroes of contemporary American society." How sad, therefore, that he is helping to undo so much of his life's work in a misg...

Oct 26, 2000 / Column / Eric Alterman

Listen Up, Naderites: You’re Playing a Dangerous Game Listen Up, Naderites: You’re Playing a Dangerous Game

Ralph Nader's Green Party campaign for the presidency has evolved into a dangerous game. On one hand, the candidate insists it doesn't matter if George W. Bush beats Al Gore. Y...

Oct 26, 2000 / Column / Robert Scheer

Beware of Bush; He’s Not What He Seems Beware of Bush; He’s Not What He Seems

What a deal! Elect George W. Bush President and you get government lite--eat all you want without gaining a pound. Bush promises to cut taxes for all, dramatically increase mil...

Oct 24, 2000 / Column / Robert Scheer
