
The Trials of Lori Berenson The Trials of Lori Berenson

The Trials of Lori Berenson New York City The Nation acknowledges that military and civilian trials in Peru violate due process of law in terrorism cases, that...

Oct 12, 2000 / The Editors, Ramsey Clark, Jonathan Levi, Liz Mineo, Ari Zighelboim, and Elizabeth Schwartz

Getting Out the Vote Getting Out the Vote

I'm surprised at how many otherwise thoughtful people seem convinced that this election "makes no difference." In my very first Nation column, I quoted Justice Antonin Scalia, wh...

Oct 12, 2000 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

On the Events in Serbia On the Events in Serbia

It took them thirteen years to ditch Old Slobodan Milosevic. Now people see a new day dawn, But notice that he's still not gone.

Oct 12, 2000 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Born to Run Born to Run

The sound of Wrecking Ball (Elektra), Emmylou Harris's 1995 album produced by former Brian Eno/Neville Brothers associate Daniel Lanois, drew me back toward her. But it was her f...

Oct 12, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Gene Santoro

The Nation Dozen The Nation Dozen

THE NOVEMBER 7 ELECTION is not merely about ending six years of GOP dominance but also about assuring that the next Congress is pulled in a more enlightened direction. Starting e...

Oct 12, 2000 / Column / John Nichols

Gay-Bashing at the Polls Gay-Bashing at the Polls

In their hunger to take back the White House, the Jerry Falwells and the Pat Robertsons have swallowed the mellow prose of Texas scripted for them by George W.'s handlers--but at...

Oct 12, 2000 / Doug Ireland

‘Vote Your Hopes, Not Your Fears’ ‘Vote Your Hopes, Not Your Fears’

Take this as a national parable. Once upon a time--in the early eighties, actually--there was a progressive coalition in Vermont designed to become a third force in politics. One...

Oct 12, 2000 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

Blaming Arik Last Blaming Arik Last

Marvin Kalb, executive director of the Washington office of Harvard's Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics, and Public Policy, diagnoses an anti-Israel tilt in the US media,...

Oct 12, 2000 / Column / Eric Alterman

Serbia’s Moment Serbia’s Moment

A new era has begun in Serbia, not only because Slobodan Milosevic has at last been expelled from office but because the deed was accomplished by the Serbian people acting in sol...

Oct 12, 2000 / Laura Secor

Orient Expressed: Imagism Orient Expressed: Imagism

However varied their styles, poets writing in English today still rely on the early-twentieth-century Imagist principles of clarity, directness, presentative imagery and rhythm b...

Oct 12, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Grace Schulman
