
On the Brink in Kashmir On the Brink in Kashmir

In early May, as the snows melted along the Karakoram Range, Indian troops on routine border patrols discovered that three strategic salients--Dras, Kargil and Batalik--in the In...

Jul 1, 1999 / Sumit Ganguly

Rehnquist’s Revenge Rehnquist’s Revenge

William Rehnquist may be the most patient and unyielding radical ever to occupy high office in America.

Jul 1, 1999 / The Editors

Millions for Viagra, Pennies for Diseases of the Poor Millions for Viagra, Pennies for Diseases of the Poor

Almost three times as many people, most of them in tropical countries of the Third World, die of preventable, curable diseases as die of AIDS.

Jul 1, 1999 / Feature / Ken Silverstein

Born Cool Born Cool

The title character in Run Lola Run lives underneath a fibrous growth that in shape resembles a neglected patch of lawn and in color brings to mind a fire engine--or maybe a fire...

Jun 24, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans

Republic of Pain Republic of Pain

Quick, name a recent Nobel Peace Prize laureate accused of colluding in a program of mass murder. No, not Henry Kissinger--that's old news.

Jun 24, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Roane Carey

Holocaust Creationism Holocaust Creationism

Between 1945 and 1947 the United States underwent perhaps the most breathtaking ideological transformation in its history.

Jun 24, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Jon Wiener

Same-Sex Spouses in Canada Same-Sex Spouses in Canada

On May 20, leaving its southern neighbor in the dust, Canada took a breathtaking leap forward in lesbian and gay rights.

Jun 24, 1999 / Feature / E.J. Graff

The Truth About Hate Crimes Laws The Truth About Hate Crimes Laws

It took the death of a young gay white man at the hands of two other young white men to bring the issue of violence aimed at lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgendered people to n...

Jun 24, 1999 / Feature / Richard Kim

Love and Hate in Laramie Love and Hate in Laramie

Research assistance: Robin Reardon.

Jun 24, 1999 / Feature / Donna Minkowitz

Rebuilding the Gay Movement Rebuilding the Gay Movement

When Republican Senator Al D'Amato was endorsed for re-election last November by the Human Rights Campaign--the nation's wealthiest gay civil rights lobby--the HRC's appalling de...

Jun 24, 1999 / Feature / Doug Ireland
