
Ron Johnson Breaks His Term-Limit Pledge in Order to Keep Serving the Billionaire Class

Ron Johnson Breaks His Term-Limit Pledge in Order to Keep Serving the Billionaire Class Ron Johnson Breaks His Term-Limit Pledge in Order to Keep Serving the Billionaire Class

The senator from Wisconsin announced his reelection run in The Wall Street Journal. Why? That’s the newspaper of his real constituents.

Jan 12, 2022 / John Nichols

Voting-rights march in Atlanta, Georgia

Why Georgia Voting Rights Groups Are Skipping Biden’s Atlanta Visit Why Georgia Voting Rights Groups Are Skipping Biden’s Atlanta Visit

Leaders say they want action, not just words, on federal voter protection. But don’t call their action a boycott.

Jan 11, 2022 / Joan Walsh

Chloe Maxmin

What a Progressive Champion From Rural Maine Can Teach Democrats About Winning What a Progressive Champion From Rural Maine Can Teach Democrats About Winning

Chloe Maxmin can show Democrats new paths to victory.

Jan 11, 2022 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Whose Body Is It?

Whose Body Is It? Whose Body Is It?

Choice on the line again.

Jan 11, 2022 / OppArt / Ron Hauge

Detainees at Guantanamo Bay

Guantánamo Is Still “a Black Hole of Secrecy” Guantánamo Is Still “a Black Hole of Secrecy”

Twenty years have passed since the first prisoners landed blindfolded in orange jumpsuits and were caged in the US-run enclave—and press restrictions at Gitmo are only getting wors...

Jan 11, 2022 / Clair MacDougall

Nation Poetry

Letter to June Jordan in September Letter to June Jordan in September

  I cannot pass the anniversary of that first news event of childhood without returning to your poem. How from my house I watched. And watching, watched my grief-stricken pare…

Jan 11, 2022 / Poems / Lena Khalaf Tuffaha

Australian Open Serbian Team

There Are No Heroes in Djokovic vs. Australia There Are No Heroes in Djokovic vs. Australia

While the tennis star is petulant and selfish, the Australian state is racist and arbitrary.

Jan 11, 2022 / Dave Zirin

The Indomitable Rev. Addie L. Wyatt

The Indomitable Rev. Addie L. Wyatt The Indomitable Rev. Addie L. Wyatt

The trailblazing Black labor leader and civil rights activist took her fight for equality from the packinghouse to the pulpit.

Jan 11, 2022 / Kim Kelly

The first atomic bomb test was conducted at Alamogordo, New Mexico, on July 16, 1945.

This Is the Unbuilding of America This Is the Unbuilding of America

We’ve long inhabited a perilous world—one that has only grown more so as the decades have passed.

Jan 11, 2022 / Tom Engelhardt

“You Come Out With Nothing”: What It Means to Bring Back the Box at Rikers

“You Come Out With Nothing”: What It Means to Bring Back the Box at Rikers “You Come Out With Nothing”: What It Means to Bring Back the Box at Rikers

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has vowed to keep punitive segregation going in an attempt to curb the jails’ exploding violence. 

Jan 11, 2022 / Victoria Law
