Some Jews & the Gays Some Jews & the Gays
Vidal on the new upper-middle-class Jewish hate of homosexuals.
Nov 14, 1981 / Gore Vidal
Notes on the House of Bondage Notes on the House of Bondage
Baldwin sheds light on the state of America by surveying the dispiriting array of candidates for the 1980 presidential race.
Nov 1, 1980 / Feature / James Baldwin

The Rise of Ronald Reagan The Rise of Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan was born in 1911 in rural Illinois.
Jul 19, 1980 / Feature / E.L. Doctorow
Fred Rodell Fred Rodell
Fred Rodell is largely forgotten these days, but as the "bad boy of American legal academia" he inspired several generations of Yale Law School students to think differently about ...
Jun 21, 1980 / Sidney Zion
Open Letter to the Born Again Open Letter to the Born Again
Sometimes, our best efforts at peace are betrayed.
Sep 29, 1979 / James Baldwin
The Farm Workers’ Next Battle The Farm Workers’ Next Battle
A report on the enormous number of farm workers displaced by the farming machines developed at the University of California.
Mar 25, 1978 / Cesar Chavez

Was Fred Hampton Executed? Was Fred Hampton Executed?
Seven years after the shootings of Fred Hampton and Mark Clark by the Chicago police, a civil suit reveals the sordid details behind the assassination.
Dec 25, 1976 / Feature / Jeff Gottlieb and Jeff Cohen
Letters to the Editor: Human Detente Letters to the Editor: Human Detente
Dear Sirs: I want to bring to your attention an urgent appeal on behalf of Soviet dissidents from Dr. Andrei Sakharov. The appeal was sent on February 1 to the Social Democrats, U.S.A. on the occasion of its presentation to this great Soviet dissenter the Norman Thomas Freedom Award, in memory of the great American dissenter. In his eloquent plea for peace and human rights for all people, Dr. Sakharov said: We are all welcome the negotiations that are now being held aimed at preventing a thermonuclear war, as well as the armaments race, and to promote negotiations directed to increased trade relations -- in short, all that is denoted by the word "detente." But at the same time ... the external detente is tragically not accompanied by an internal and human detente." To achieve a human detente, Dr. Sakharov urges us to support a program of what he calls "social campaigns" on behalf of Soviet dissidents which include: A campaign for free access by the representatives of the International Red Cross and World Health Organization to inspect the Soviet places of incarcerations and mental hospitals; a campaign for freedom of emigration; a campaign to defend all the honest writers who have been harassed. If there is to be peace in the world, then those in the East and West, like academician Sakharov, who oppose military solutions to political problems and insist on human rights for all, must be free to speak out. He needs the support of those with diverse views who believe in the principles of civil rights. The plight of Dr. Sakharov and other Soviet dissidents is extremely grave. Those who want to help can volunteer their participation, or offer financial contributions to the Andrei Sakharov Campaign; Bayard Rustin, chairman; 1182 Broadway, Suite 802; New York, N.Y. 10001. Bayard Rustin
Apr 20, 1974 / Bayard Rustin
Roe v. Wade Roe v. Wade
The Supreme Court gives women the right to choose while also rendering an important lesson on the practical workings of democracy.
Feb 5, 1973 / The Editors
The Myth That Was Real The Myth That Was Real
Reports on several issues which were considered by President Richard Nixon as part of his presidential election strategy. Misconception related to the solution of problems faced by...
Nov 27, 1972 / Michael Harrington