
Iranians through flowers into the sea

Biden Must Do More Than Rejoin the Iran Nuke Deal Biden Must Do More Than Rejoin the Iran Nuke Deal

We need a decisive break from the previous century of US policy toward Iran, which has been based on domination.

Jan 5, 2021 / Azadeh Shahshahani and Khury Petersen-Smith

Trump Turns the Crazy Up to 11—and the GOP Cheers Him

Trump Turns the Crazy Up to 11—and the GOP Cheers Him Trump Turns the Crazy Up to 11—and the GOP Cheers Him

The lunatic in the Oval Office is bad enough. The deeper problem is his huge base of cult-like followers and GOP sycophants, who seem determined to follow him over a cliff.

Jan 5, 2021 / Sasha Abramsky

Georgia Senate Candidate Jon Ossoff Holds Latino Meet And Greet Campaign Event

Latino Voters Show How Far Georgia Has Come Latino Voters Show How Far Georgia Has Come

Whatever happens in tomorrow’s runoff election, the growing demographic is poised to become a major political force in the state.

Jan 4, 2021 / Timothy Pratt

The Pandemic Offers a Chance to Reimagine Caregiving

The Pandemic Offers a Chance to Reimagine Caregiving The Pandemic Offers a Chance to Reimagine Caregiving

To build back better, Biden’s administration should focus on one of this country’s fastest-growing occupations: home care work.

Jan 4, 2021 / Ai-jen Poo

The Georgia Senate Runoff Races Are Too Wild to Call

The Georgia Senate Runoff Races Are Too Wild to Call The Georgia Senate Runoff Races Are Too Wild to Call

The Warnock and Ossoff campaigns have met most of their targets to date, but the most important contest in this runoff is to beat back GOP voter suppression.

Jan 4, 2021 / Joan Walsh

Donald Trump on the phone

A Clown Coup That Deserves Serious Punishment A Clown Coup That Deserves Serious Punishment

Though pathetic and doomed to failure, Trump’s attempt to overturn the election still merits impeachment, censure—and criminal investigation.

Jan 4, 2021 / Jeet Heer

Trump’s Solicitation of Election Fraud Is His Highest Crime

Trump’s Solicitation of Election Fraud Is His Highest Crime Trump’s Solicitation of Election Fraud Is His Highest Crime

If Trump’s pressuring of Georgia’s secretary of state to “find” votes to overturn an election result isn’t impeachable, nothing is.

Jan 4, 2021 / John Nichols

WTF 2020 Bingo

WTF 2020 Bingo WTF 2020 Bingo

The year in review, cross-stitched.

Jan 4, 2021 / OppArt / Kathleen Newman

How Biden Can Break the Stranglehold of Amazon and Other Monopolies

How Biden Can Break the Stranglehold of Amazon and Other Monopolies How Biden Can Break the Stranglehold of Amazon and Other Monopolies

The incoming president can take numerous steps to trim the tentacles of today’s monopolistic companies, which reach into every corner of American life.

Jan 4, 2021 / Feature / Zephyr Teachout

A Blueprint for Social Movements During the Biden Presidency

A Blueprint for Social Movements During the Biden Presidency A Blueprint for Social Movements During the Biden Presidency

Insurgent tactics and demands may irritate party leaders, but that friction still serves to move politics toward greater freedom and justice.

Jan 4, 2021 / Feature / Waleed Shahid
