
Now Is the Time for Congress to Deliver

Now Is the Time for Congress to Deliver Now Is the Time for Congress to Deliver

Too many people no longer believe that government is helping lift all boats. The solution is clear: a progressive agenda that makes a transformative difference in people’s lives.

Jan 4, 2021 / Feature / Rep. Pramila Jayapal

Biden Must Tackle the Pandemic With a New Deal for Public Health

Biden Must Tackle the Pandemic With a New Deal for Public Health Biden Must Tackle the Pandemic With a New Deal for Public Health

We need to make the collective realization that the pandemic is a symptom of what has ailed us as a nation.

Jan 4, 2021 / Feature / Gregg Gonsalves

Joe Biden

The First 100 Days Are Critical The First 100 Days Are Critical

We asked 10 activists, analysts, and elected officials to examine what Biden can and should do to undo the damage caused by Trump.

Jan 4, 2021 / Roane Carey for The Nation

Biden Must End the Forever Wars

Biden Must End the Forever Wars Biden Must End the Forever Wars

The American public, exhausted by the pandemic and two decades of war, is in no mood for military adventurism.

Jan 4, 2021 / Feature / David Klion

Why Unions Must Recommit to Expanding Their Base

Why Unions Must Recommit to Expanding Their Base Why Unions Must Recommit to Expanding Their Base

Demobilizing our base is never a good idea, especially when the right wing and the Trump forces continue to mobilize.

Jan 4, 2021 / Feature / Jane McAlevey

The Case for Wide-Scale Debt Relief

The Case for Wide-Scale Debt Relief The Case for Wide-Scale Debt Relief

Student loans, medical debt, mortgage payments, rent, and municipal debt should all be reduced or eliminated outright.

Jan 4, 2021 / Feature / Astra Taylor

Biden Should Establish an Office of Climate Mobilization

Biden Should Establish an Office of Climate Mobilization Biden Should Establish an Office of Climate Mobilization

He needs to act with the same urgency that inspired FDR to create the Office of War Mobilization during World War II.

Jan 4, 2021 / Feature / Varshini Prakash

How Biden Can Support Black America

How Biden Can Support Black America How Biden Can Support Black America

We should fill the streets to remind him that the millions who elected him expect to see policies that will improve our lives.

Jan 4, 2021 / Feature / Barbara Ransby

Trump and His Cronies Must Face the Music for Their Crimes

Trump and His Cronies Must Face the Music for Their Crimes Trump and His Cronies Must Face the Music for Their Crimes

This is about more than just reforming a broken process. A steady focus on accountability isolates and diminishes the critics.

Jan 4, 2021 / Feature / John Nichols

Omicron Threat Looms

Omicron Threat Looms Omicron Threat Looms

Pandemic deaths surpass 800,000 in the USA and 5.40 million worldwide, with a new surge projected for January.

Jan 3, 2021 / OppArt / Andrea Arroyo
