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Is Ballet at a Turning Pointe?

Journalist Dr. Chloe Angyal joins the show to talk about her book on the youth ballet pipeline, Turning Pointe.

Dave Zirin

September 14, 2021

New York Theatre Ballet dancers, Amanda Treiber and Giulia Faria, perform at the 40th Annual Battery Dance Festival in Battery Park on August 19, 2021, in New York City.(Alexi Rosenfeld / Getty Images)

This week we speak to journalist Dr. Chloe Angyal about her book on the ballet pipeline, Turning Pointe. The parallels to youth sports are uncanny. You really have to check this interview out. Also we have Choice Words about Donald Trump and his choice to commemorate 9/11.

In addition, we have a Just Stand Up award to the amazing activists across the world who followed Colin Kaepernick’s lead and made courageous stands—many of whom are profiled in my new book, The Kaepernick Effect—and a Just Sit Down award to athletes like quarterback Carson Wentz, who would rather display toxic masculinity and reject vaccination to seem tough than practice solidarity and the idea of social health care. All this and more on this week’s show!

Dr. Chloe Angyal Twitter: @ChloeAngyal Turning Pointe: How a New Generation of Dancers Is Saving Ballet from Itself

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Dave ZirinDave Zirin is the sports editor at The Nation. He is the author of 11 books on the politics of sports. He is also the coproducer and writer of the new documentary Behind the Shield: The Power and Politics of the NFL.

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