How Activists Saved Election Day in Pennsylvania How Activists Saved Election Day in Pennsylvania
Grassroots organizations filled in where the Democratic Party was absent.
Nov 16, 2020 / D.D. Guttenplan

Democrats Must Keep Their Eyes on the Supreme Court Democrats Must Keep Their Eyes on the Supreme Court
While court reform is off the table until at least 2023, Democrats must use the next two years to figure out how best to fix the court.
Nov 16, 2020 / Column / Elie Mystal

What Bernie Sanders Could Do as Secretary of Labor What Bernie Sanders Could Do as Secretary of Labor
If Biden were to embrace the idea, Sanders and a team of visionary leaders could forge a new New Deal for working Americans.
Nov 16, 2020 / John Nichols

Donald Trump Has Never Understood the Military—and He’s Not Going to Be Able to Co-opt It for a Coup Donald Trump Has Never Understood the Military—and He’s Not Going to Be Able to Co-opt It for a Coup
He can consolidate power in the Pentagon, but the military men and women I know aren’t going to subvert democracy.
Nov 13, 2020 / Andrew McCormick

2020 Was the ‘Precarity Election’ 2020 Was the ‘Precarity Election’
Democrats’ failure to address the issue of economic precarity undermines their claim to be the party of the working class.
Nov 13, 2020 / Albena Azmanova and Marshall Auerback

We’ll Be Living In Trump’s America Long After He’s Gone We’ll Be Living In Trump’s America Long After He’s Gone
Trumpism has split America in two in a way that hasn’t been imaginable since the Civil War.
Nov 12, 2020 / Tom Engelhardt

Is There a Cure for Burnout? Is There a Cure for Burnout?
Anne Helen Petersen’s Can't Even grapples with the miseries of millennial work.
Nov 12, 2020 / Books & the Arts / Jeremy Gordon

Working People Dragged Joe Biden Over the Finish Line Working People Dragged Joe Biden Over the Finish Line
But winning the election is like gaining recognition for a union. Now the real work starts.
Nov 12, 2020 / Jane McAlevey for The Nation

Good Riddance to Trump: A Political Obituary I Have Waited 5 Years to Write Good Riddance to Trump: A Political Obituary I Have Waited 5 Years to Write
But, sadly, his departure from office will be the most inelegant last hurrah and final curtain in American political history.
Nov 11, 2020 / Sasha Abramsky

The Affordable Care Act May Live to Die Another Day The Affordable Care Act May Live to Die Another Day
The oral arguments for the latest challenge to the ACA, played out before an ultraconservative Supreme Court, appeared to go about as well as anyone could have hoped.
Nov 11, 2020 / Elie Mystal