
Prison Sentencing

Is Every Sentence a Life Sentence? Is Every Sentence a Life Sentence?

Around 1.3 million Americans are currently incarcerated, and they will continue to be punished long after their release.

May 23, 2022 / StudentNation / Dylan Cohen and Dexter Peters

What if the Wind and Sunshine Really Belonged to All of Us?

What if the Wind and Sunshine Really Belonged to All of Us? What if the Wind and Sunshine Really Belonged to All of Us?

Only by taking a more radical approach to renewables—one inspired by American history—can we build the constituency needed to make climate justice a reality.

May 23, 2022 / Feature / David McDermott Hughes

George W. Bush at a baseball game

George W. Bush Stumbles Into a Moment of Truth George W. Bush Stumbles Into a Moment of Truth

The former president’s gaffe reminds us that his launching of a criminal war still demands justice.

May 20, 2022 / Jeet Heer

The Fate of the Manatees

The Fate of the Manatees The Fate of the Manatees

Against the Tide. Climate change and human intrusion have pushed the manatee population to the brink of extinction.

May 20, 2022 / OppArt / Shuyu Miao, Lauren Van Stone, and Tianqi Chen

The School Board Culture War

The School Board Culture War The School Board Culture War

Republicans are pushing national wedge issues to the local level, but smart progressives are beating them.

May 20, 2022 / Feature / John Nichols

A Laborers’ Local Union 79 protest against Alba Services.

Immigrant Construction Workers Fight Back Against Exploitation Immigrant Construction Workers Fight Back Against Exploitation

Los Demolicionistas—“the Demolitionists”—have organized to stop nonunion employers from taking advantage of immigrant workers.

May 19, 2022 / Ashley Bishop

Dr. Ashish Jha

“Case Numbers Don’t Matter”—and Other Fatal Covid Fallacies “Case Numbers Don’t Matter”—and Other Fatal Covid Fallacies

The logic behind “cases don’t matter”—the drumbeat of medical professionals pushing us back to normal—is a direct violation of the oath to “first, do no harm.”

May 19, 2022 / Gregg Gonsalves

Time to End the West’s Xenophobic Double Standard on Refugees

Time to End the West’s Xenophobic Double Standard on Refugees Time to End the West’s Xenophobic Double Standard on Refugees

Racism lowers the floor for how all people are treated. But it’s not too late to change.

May 18, 2022 / Khury Petersen-Smith and Azadeh Shahshahani

When Right-Wing Attacks on School Textbooks Fell Short

When Right-Wing Attacks on School Textbooks Fell Short When Right-Wing Attacks on School Textbooks Fell Short

Some essential lessons from an earlier culture war.

May 18, 2022 / Jonathan Zimmerman

Protesters in Bogota, Colombia, on International Women's Day

Gleaning Hope From Latin America’s Abortion Rights Revolution Gleaning Hope From Latin America’s Abortion Rights Revolution

After centuries of living under some of the most draconian abortion laws imaginable, millions of women in Latin America now have access to legal abortion. How did they do it?

May 18, 2022 / Omar G. Encarnación
