
Thousands of Doctors Strike in UK Protest Over Pensions Thousands of Doctors Strike in UK Protest Over Pensions

Thousands of doctors strike in the UK over changes to their pensions. Are they greedy, or does society have skewed priorities?

Jun 21, 2012 / Allison Kilkenny

Score So Far at the University of Missouri: Books 0, Football Coach $2.7 Million Score So Far at the University of Missouri: Books 0, Football Coach $2.7 Million

A university press is placed on the chopping block while the school’s head coach is paid nearly seven times its annual operation cost.

Jun 20, 2012 / Katha Pollitt

‘Jamie Dimon, You’re No Good. The People Need a Robin Hood’ (VIDEO) ‘Jamie Dimon, You’re No Good. The People Need a Robin Hood’ (VIDEO)

Nurses and their allies launch a national campaign to push for a tax on financial transactions.

Jun 20, 2012 / Laura Flanders

Father’s Day March Unites Thousands Against NYPD’s Stop-and-Frisk Policy Father’s Day March Unites Thousands Against NYPD’s Stop-and-Frisk Policy

Community members gathered to protest the discriminatory practice that has increased by 600 percent since Mayor Bloomberg took office.

Jun 19, 2012 / Max Rivlin-Nadler and Andrea Jones

Activists Protest G20 While US Media Talk Trivialities Activists Protest G20 While US Media Talk Trivialities

Thousands of activists in Mexico continue to protest the G20 while certain US media pundits blather away about trivialities. 

Jun 19, 2012 / Allison Kilkenny

Help Stop Torture Help Stop Torture

A grand coalition of religious and human rights groups is sponsoring a month of actions aimed at ending torture sponsored or enabled by the United States.

Jun 18, 2012 / Peter Rothberg

Fannie Lou Who? Why Voting Rights Still Matter Fannie Lou Who? Why Voting Rights Still Matter

What does reporting on voting rights mean at a time when a person's race, gender and class still determines if they'll be targeted for voter suppression?

Jun 15, 2012 / Aura Bogado and Voting Rights Watch

This Week in Poverty: Disposable Families in Ohio This Week in Poverty: Disposable Families in Ohio

Since January 2011, Ohio has thrown 70,000 poor people—including 40,000 children—off of cash assistance. 

Jun 15, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann

Chicago Workers’ Economic Plan: Go Co-Operative! Chicago Workers’ Economic Plan: Go Co-Operative!

While President Obama was speechifying about our possible economic future, workers in one famous Chicago factory were taking a big step towards theirs.  

Jun 15, 2012 / Laura Flanders

A Message From Trayvon Martin’s Father A Message From Trayvon Martin’s Father

This Father’s Day, join Trayvon Martin’s father, Tracy Martin, and add your name to this national petition demanding that all “Stand Your Ground” laws be re...

Jun 14, 2012 / Peter Rothberg
