The 99% Spring The 99% Spring
An impressive coalition of liberal-left groups are aiming to recruit and train 100,000 Americans in the precepts of non-violent direct action.
Apr 4, 2012 / Peter Rothberg
Moscow’s ‘Optimistic Channel’ Moscow’s ‘Optimistic Channel’
Just down the road from the Kremlin is a television station with opposition spirit.
Apr 3, 2012 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
The Hunger Games’ Feral Feminism The Hunger Games’ Feral Feminism
Katniss Everdeen is a new kind of pop heroine. No boy-crazy shopaholic, she's a complex character on a quest of her own.
Apr 3, 2012 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Nearly Eighty Arrested in San Francisco During ‘First Real Occupation’ of 2012 Nearly Eighty Arrested in San Francisco During ‘First Real Occupation’ of 2012
Police arrest nearly eighty protesters in San Francisco during the 'First Real Occupation' of 2012.
Apr 3, 2012 / Allison Kilkenny
OWS Marks Six Month Anniversary of Brooklyn Bridge Arrests OWS Marks Six Month Anniversary of Brooklyn Bridge Arrests
Hundreds of Occupy Wall Street protesters march across the Brooklyn Bridge to mark the six-month anniversary of one of the largest mass arrests of activists in US history.
Apr 2, 2012 / Allison Kilkenny
The Problems With BDS The Problems With BDS
If the anti-Israel boycott's losing vote at the Park Slope Food Coop really was a victory for BDS, that's a bad thing.
Mar 31, 2012 / Ben Adler
This Week in Poverty: Fresno to Homeless People—Get Out This Week in Poverty: Fresno to Homeless People—Get Out
Fresno adopts a policy of seizing and destroying homeless residents' property and a local legal services non-profit fights back.
Mar 30, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann
Tom Hayden: Reclaiming Participatory Democracy Tom Hayden: Reclaiming Participatory Democracy
A longtime activist recalls the roots of participatory democracy.
Mar 29, 2012 / Francis Reynolds
Renewed Civil Rights Coalition Targets ‘Ghostwriters’ of ‘License to Kill’ Laws Renewed Civil Rights Coalition Targets ‘Ghostwriters’ of ‘License to Kill’ Laws
Civil rights, labor, religious and public interest groups are demanding that "ALEC and its NRA backers should immediately stop their promotion of the kinds of ‘Kill At ...
Mar 29, 2012 / John Nichols
BDS and the Park Slope Food Coop: Why the Vote Against Was a Win for the Boycott BDS and the Park Slope Food Coop: Why the Vote Against Was a Win for the Boycott
It doesn't actually matter if the Coop boycotts Israel or not. Just having the debate is a symbolic victory for the pro-boycott camp.
Mar 29, 2012 / Kiera Feldman