Resist War and Empire Resist War and Empire
With up to 200,000 American and British combat troops already stationed in or on their way to the Persian Gulf area, war with Iraq looks increasingly imminent.
Feb 6, 2003 / Michael T. Klare
In Dubya’s Battle In Dubya’s Battle
Although the Bush Administration acts as if the war train has already left the station, the antiwar forces continue to grow, and they are mobilizing in large numbers for a worl...
Feb 6, 2003 / The Editors
Alternative Voices on Campus Alternative Voices on Campus
Progressive journals are key in creating a movement, but they lack support.
Jan 30, 2003 / Feature / Emma Ruby-Sachs and Timothy Waligore
Letter From Porto Alegre Letter From Porto Alegre
Early tomorrow morning, organizers of this, the third annual World Social Forum, will formally close out the weeklong event to report their conclusions to the hundreds of inte...
Jan 28, 2003 / Feature / Marc Cooper
Letter From Porto Alegre Letter From Porto Alegre
The highpoint of this year's World Social Forum was reached earlier this evening when newly elected Brazilian president Luiz Ignacio "Lula" Da Silva showed up to address an o...
Jan 25, 2003 / Feature / Marc Cooper
The Smiths Go to Washington The Smiths Go to Washington
My friend Ruth Rosen, who writes a terrific column for the San Francisco Chronicle, advised her readers to go to the antiwar marches organized by International ANSWER but to ta...
Jan 23, 2003 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Letter From Porto Alegre Letter From Porto Alegre
Just hours after the third annual World Social Forum was officially inaugurated this afternoon, ten of thousands of delegates, visitors and local residents are gathering for ...
Jan 23, 2003 / Feature / Marc Cooper
A Win at Cracker Barrel A Win at Cracker Barrel
A lonely Cracker Barrel restaurant stands alongside the highway that runs near my house.
Jan 23, 2003 / M.V. Lee Badgett
Roe in Rough Waters Roe in Rough Waters
Thirty years later, abortion's political terrain is more complicated than ever.
Jan 22, 2003 / Feature / Jennifer Baumgardner