Global Warming’s Terrifying New Chemistry Global Warming’s Terrifying New Chemistry
Our leaders thought fracking would save our climate. They were wrong. Very wrong.
Mar 23, 2016 / Feature / Bill McKibben

21 Kids Are Suing President Obama Over Climate Inaction 21 Kids Are Suing President Obama Over Climate Inaction
The complaint accuses the government of infringing on “the fundamental right of citizens to be free from government actions that harm life, liberty, and property” by “approving and...
Mar 9, 2016 / Zoë Carpenter

A New Study Suggests Even the Toughest Pesticide Regulations Aren’t Nearly Tough Enough A New Study Suggests Even the Toughest Pesticide Regulations Aren’t Nearly Tough Enough
As in most states, regulators in California measure the effect of only one pesticide at a time. But farmers often use several pesticides together—and that’s a big, toxic problem.
Feb 23, 2016 / Liza Gross

How Many Flints Are There? How Many Flints Are There?
In a country where 500,000 children have substantial amounts of lead in their bodies, Flint is no anomaly.
Feb 9, 2016 / David Rosner and Gerald Markowitz

Did ExxonMobil Lie to Investors About Climate Change? Did ExxonMobil Lie to Investors About Climate Change?
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is pursuing an investigation—one of many signs that momentum is on the side of climate-justice activists.
Feb 4, 2016 / Feature / Mark Hertsgaard

How the EPA Has Failed to Challenge Environmental Racism in Flint—and Beyond How the EPA Has Failed to Challenge Environmental Racism in Flint—and Beyond
Since the early 1990s, the agency has received over 300 discrimination complaints. It’s never once issued a formal finding of a violation.
Jan 28, 2016 / Zoë Carpenter

Youth Power and Powerlessness at COP21 Youth Power and Powerlessness at COP21
Young people have been banging their heads on the walls of the political establishment for far too long. It’s time we figure out something new.
Dec 10, 2015 / StudentNation / Chloe Maxmin and StudentNation

Once Again, California Leads the Way Once Again, California Leads the Way
Governor Jerry Brown leads in tackling catastrophic climate change.
Dec 8, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

WANTED: Political Power for Climate Justice WANTED: Political Power for Climate Justice
Movement leaders identify their goals as political, but they don’t see the movement as having the political power to achieve those goals.
Nov 16, 2015 / StudentNation / Chloe Maxmin

Volkswagen Lied and Cheated 11 Million Times. Will Anyone Go to Jail for That? Volkswagen Lied and Cheated 11 Million Times. Will Anyone Go to Jail for That?
If history is any guide—no.
Oct 1, 2015 / Jamie Lincoln Kitman