Armed Conflicts

Jens Stoltenberg

Is Now the Time to Consider Expanding NATO? Is Now the Time to Consider Expanding NATO?

Instead of repeating past mistakes, now might be the right time to learn from them.

Oct 31, 2017 / James Carden

Boo! Trick or Trick

Boo! Trick or Trick Boo! Trick or Trick

When it comes to nukes, the KKK, and the gun lobby, this administration always gives them sweets.

Oct 31, 2017 / OppArt / Kim DeMarco

Military Exercise in Ukraine

US Special-Operations Forces Have Quietly Moved Onto the Russian Border US Special-Operations Forces Have Quietly Moved Onto the Russian Border

The percentage of special operators deployed to Europe quadrupled last year.  

Oct 30, 2017 / Nick Turse

Sand Creek Massacre

Confronting the Legacy of the Civil War: The Forgotten Front Confronting the Legacy of the Civil War: The Forgotten Front

The conflict was fought by proxy in the West, but one thing united the warring factions: the doctrine of white supremacy and genocidal violence against Indians.

Oct 26, 2017 / George Black

PMF Iraq

Iran’s—and Russia’s—Influence Is Growing in Iraqi Kurdistan Iran’s—and Russia’s—Influence Is Growing in Iraqi Kurdistan

Baghdad’s seizure of oil-rich Kirkuk, aided by Shiite militias close to Tehran, has forced the Kurdish government to freeze its independence-referendum results.

Oct 25, 2017 / Jeremy Hodge

Tank in Poland

US Double Standards in the New Cold War US Double Standards in the New Cold War

The mainstream American political-media narrative, which powerfully influences the possibility of war or peace with Russia, is dangerously unbalanced.

Oct 25, 2017 / Stephen F. Cohen

North Korea Missile

The Escalating Nuclear Threat Finally Has the Public’s Attention. Now What? The Escalating Nuclear Threat Finally Has the Public’s Attention. Now What?

There is no substitute for our leaders’ coming to the table and beginning a dialogue.

Oct 24, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Ai WeiWei Gaza

Ai Weiwei’s ‘Human Flow’ Eloquently Calls the West to Account for the Refugee Crisis Ai Weiwei’s ‘Human Flow’ Eloquently Calls the West to Account for the Refugee Crisis

The walls, fences, and brute force currently used to control this tide are shown to be not only barbaric but futile.

Oct 24, 2017 / Sarah Aziza

Tank in Poland

Have 20 Years of NATO Expansion Made Anyone Safer? Have 20 Years of NATO Expansion Made Anyone Safer?

Since 1997, the world’s perhaps most powerful corporation and lobbyist has created more insecurity than security.

Oct 18, 2017 / Stephen F. Cohen

Police Crackdown

The Disturbing Parallels Between US Policing at Home and Military Tactics Abroad The Disturbing Parallels Between US Policing at Home and Military Tactics Abroad

This army strategist says today’s policing is looking more and more like a military operation.

Oct 12, 2017 / Danny Sjursen
