Armed Conflicts

Referendum in Colombia

Did Human Rights Watch Sabotage Colombia’s Peace Agreement? Did Human Rights Watch Sabotage Colombia’s Peace Agreement?

Like the country’s far right, HRW wanted to send human-rights violators to prison more than it wanted to end the war. 

Oct 3, 2016 / Greg Grandin

Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken

The US-Russia Backed Cease-Fire in Syria Hangs in the Balance: Will Cooler Heads Prevail? The US-Russia Backed Cease-Fire in Syria Hangs in the Balance: Will Cooler Heads Prevail?

The only way to end the conflict is through a political settlement, which House Democrats now are wisely urging on the administration.

Sep 30, 2016 / James Carden

Drug war protest

A Growing Grassroots Movement in Mexico Is Resisting the US-Backed Drug War A Growing Grassroots Movement in Mexico Is Resisting the US-Backed Drug War

Citizens are protesting disappearances, searching mass graves, and demanding an end to impunity.

Sep 29, 2016 / Dawn Paley

Airstrikes in Syria

The Russian Blitzkrieg on Aleppo Is a Direct Challenge to Washington The Russian Blitzkrieg on Aleppo Is a Direct Challenge to Washington

The Syrian cease-fire was already in tatters. But the new offensive is also early preparation for a hawkish Clinton presidency.

Sep 29, 2016 / Patrick Lawrence

More Squandered Opportunities to Deal With the New Cold War

More Squandered Opportunities to Deal With the New Cold War More Squandered Opportunities to Deal With the New Cold War

The enemies of détente with Russia sabotaged Obama’s proposed alliance with Russia in Syria while the American presidential debate ignored all the perilous issues inherent in the C...

Sep 28, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen

Mideast Bahrain US Military

Why America’s Military Isn’t Even Close to Being the Greatest in the World Why America’s Military Isn’t Even Close to Being the Greatest in the World

US military strategy should go beyond “killing people and breaking things”—but it doesn’t. 

Sep 27, 2016 / Nick Turse

Obama and Santos

After Years of Stoking Colombia’s Civil War, Washington Is Now Trying to Hijack the Peace Deal After Years of Stoking Colombia’s Civil War, Washington Is Now Trying to Hijack the Peace Deal

The US-funded Plan Colombia imposed catastrophic violence on the country, resulting in a mountain of corpses and millions of displaced civilians.

Sep 26, 2016 / Greg Grandin

Airstrikes in Syria

Syrian Writers, Artists, and Journalists Speak Out Against US and Russian Policy Syrian Writers, Artists, and Journalists Speak Out Against US and Russian Policy

They say the two powers have been working to co-opt the Syrian liberation struggle under the rubric of the “war against terror.”

Sep 21, 2016 / Syrian Writers, Artists, and Journalists Against US and Russian Policies in Syria

Who Is Making American Foreign Policy—the President or the War Party?

Who Is Making American Foreign Policy—the President or the War Party? Who Is Making American Foreign Policy—the President or the War Party?

The US military attack on the Syrian army gravely endangers Obama’s proposed détente with Putin in Syria and elsewhere.

Sep 21, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen

Ban Ki-moon

Ban Ki-moon Reflects on the Successes and Frustrations of His 10 Years as UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Reflects on the Successes and Frustrations of His 10 Years as UN Secretary General

In his decade in office, Ban never overcame his aloof image. But in many ways he modernized the United Nations, and pushed it to confront its deepest challenges.

Sep 20, 2016 / Barbara Crossette
