Turkey Brings NATO to the Precipice of War With Russia Turkey Brings NATO to the Precipice of War With Russia
By shooting down a Russian fighter jet, Ankara could sunder the growing coalition against ISIS, which it has been aiding and abetting for some time.
Nov 24, 2015 / James Carden
November 21, 1920: ‘Bloody Sunday’ in Dublin, Ireland, as Violence Kills Several Dozen November 21, 1920: ‘Bloody Sunday’ in Dublin, Ireland, as Violence Kills Several Dozen
“I am sending [this article] to you,” a writer told The Nation’s editor, “so that you may be able to realize how completely the situation has changed.”
Nov 21, 2015 / Richard Kreitner
The GOP Stampede Toward Fascism After the Paris Attacks The GOP Stampede Toward Fascism After the Paris Attacks
We are witnessing one of the most morally calamitous reactions to a refugee crisis in the country’s history.
Nov 20, 2015 / Sasha Abramsky
November 20, 1945: The Nuremberg Trials of Nazi War Criminals Begin November 20, 1945: The Nuremberg Trials of Nazi War Criminals Begin
“One can’t help feeling that in a way the tribunal is trying the bulb and not the light, an empty cartridge and not the exploisive that fired.”
Nov 20, 2015 / Richard Kreitner
‘Bringing History to Bear’ ‘Bringing History to Bear’
Celebrating 150 years of dialogue and dissent.
Nov 19, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
Here’s What Not to Do After Paris Here’s What Not to Do After Paris
Why do Republican presidential candidates insist on giving ISIS exactly what it wants?
Nov 19, 2015 / Tom Engelhardt
November 19, 1863: Abraham Lincoln Delivers the Gettysburg Address November 19, 1863: Abraham Lincoln Delivers the Gettysburg Address
“Sending for his host, he enquired the order of the exercises of the next day, and began to put in writing what he called some ‘stray thoughts’ to utter on the mo...
Nov 19, 2015 / Richard Kreitner
France’s Ramped-Up Syria Bombing Comes Up Empty France’s Ramped-Up Syria Bombing Comes Up Empty
The impulse to “do something” doesn’t guarantee results against the Islamic State. Should we worry about what it will take?
Nov 18, 2015 / Ali Gharib
European Countries’ Closing Their Borders to Refugees Is Collective Punishment European Countries’ Closing Their Borders to Refugees Is Collective Punishment
EU states’ attempts to “opt out” of international law will only fuel more regional chaos.
Nov 18, 2015 / Michelle Chen
The US Military’s Best-Kept Secret The US Military’s Best-Kept Secret
For years, American military expansion in Africa has gone largely unnoticed, thanks to a deliberate effort to keep the public in the shadows.
Nov 17, 2015 / Nick Turse