Armed Conflicts

Time to Leave Time to Leave

We have paid a heavy price for the Bush Administration's unnecessary and illegal invasion of Iraq: more than 800 American soldiers dead; more than 4,500 wounded or maimed; and $1...

Jun 3, 2004 / The Editors

Kerry’s Dance Kerry’s Dance

It may have the ring of cliché, but America's next presidential election will be among the most crucial events in contemporary history.

Jun 3, 2004 / Column / Eric Alterman

The United States Describes the Wonders of Sovereignty to the Iraqi People The United States Describes the Wonders of Sovereignty to the Iraqi People

You'll have a government real soon. You'll see democracy writ large. We promised sovereignty. It's yours. And worry not: We're still in charge.

Jun 3, 2004 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Electorate Is Wising Up to the Iraq Blunder Electorate Is Wising Up to the Iraq Blunder

So, you really can't fool all the people all the time. George W.

Jun 1, 2004 / Column / Robert Scheer

NYT: ‘Maybe We Did Screw Up a Little’ NYT: ‘Maybe We Did Screw Up a Little’

On May 26 the New York Times finally hitched up its pants, took a deep breath and issued an editorial declaration of moderate regret for its role in boosting the case for war on ...

May 27, 2004 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

Letter From Ground Zero Letter From Ground Zero

Many people (mostly Republicans) say (mostly to Democrats) that it's wrong to "politicize" the war in Iraq. But politicizing the war is exactly what should now occur.

May 27, 2004 / Jonathan Schell

Sham Plan for Iraq Sham Plan for Iraq

The "new" Bush plan to "help Iraq achieve democracy and freedom," far from laying out the definite steps needed to resolve the Iraq crisis, instead sets the stage for continuing ...

May 27, 2004 / The Editors

On the Rupture of Relations Between Ahmad Chalabi and the United States of America On the Rupture of Relations Between Ahmad Chalabi and the United States of America

The learned Wolfowitz and Perle, it seems, Made Chalabi the hero of their dreams. Yes, all the Sissy Hawks were glad to sup On cockamamie tales that he served up.

May 27, 2004 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Chalabi’s Long, Costly Charade Chalabi’s Long, Costly Charade

Can it get any more bizarre?

May 25, 2004 / Column / Robert Scheer

Robert Silvers

The Rebirth of the NYRB The Rebirth of the NYRB

The highbrow literary magazine has re-emerged as a combative political actor.

May 20, 2004 / Feature / Scott Sherman
