Arms Spending

Hypersonic missile russia

Our Arms Race Is Never-Ending Our Arms Race Is Never-Ending

Hypersonic missiles are the latest entrant to our doomsday logic. 

Oct 1, 2019 / Rajan Menon

The Pentagon

Pentagon Officials Are Promising to Spend Money More Efficiently. They’re Lying. Pentagon Officials Are Promising to Spend Money More Efficiently. They’re Lying.

We can’t expect the Pentagon to serve taxpayers first unless long-standing ties to private defense contractors are undone.

Sep 26, 2019 / William D. Hartung and Mandy Smithberger

Iran Has Called Washington’s Bluff

Iran Has Called Washington’s Bluff Iran Has Called Washington’s Bluff

At the UN, Tehran is challenging the Europeans to defy Washington—and the attack on Saudi oil installations demonstrates that Iran can fight back against US sanctions, whether dire...

Sep 23, 2019 / Bob Dreyfuss

Russian Jets and Flags

Will Russia Be Driven From the West? Will Russia Be Driven From the West?

American opponents of readmitting Moscow to the former G8 fail to understand the consequences.

Sep 18, 2019 / Stephen F. Cohen

Trump Is Treating Foreign Policy Like a Mafia Protection Racket

Trump Is Treating Foreign Policy Like a Mafia Protection Racket Trump Is Treating Foreign Policy Like a Mafia Protection Racket

Congress needs to investigate the connection between Trump’s belligerence and the Arab monarchy’s wealth.

Sep 18, 2019 / Jeet Heer

F-35 Lockheed Martin

The Pentagon’s $1.5 Trillion Addiction to the F-35 Fighter The Pentagon’s $1.5 Trillion Addiction to the F-35 Fighter

Despite serious setbacks, Lockheed Martin’s defunct jet still has Washington’s ear.

Sep 16, 2019 / William J. Astore

Department of Defense ground missile launch

The Pentagon’s New Missile Drive Is Bringing Armageddon Closer The Pentagon’s New Missile Drive Is Bringing Armageddon Closer

Washington is withdrawing from the INF treaty not because of Russian violations but because the Pentagon wants to deploy a dangerous new class of its own nukes.

Aug 30, 2019 / Michael T. Klare

Nuclear missile

In Memoriam: The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty Dies at 32 In Memoriam: The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty Dies at 32

The INF Treaty is survived by New START, but it too is in danger.

Aug 2, 2019 / Matt Korda

Lockheed F-35 Jet Australia

Defense Contractors Are Tightening Their Grip on Our Government Defense Contractors Are Tightening Their Grip on Our Government

A planned merger between Raytheon and United Technologies will only further consolidate a bloated military-industrial complex.

Jul 16, 2019 / William D. Hartung

US Marine Afghanistan

The Transpartisan Revolt Against America’s Endless Wars The Transpartisan Revolt Against America’s Endless Wars

It’s one of the few areas where a left-right coalition can jell.

Jul 16, 2019 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
