Arms Spending

Meet the New, Super-Expensive Stealth Bomber the US Doesn’t Need

Meet the New, Super-Expensive Stealth Bomber the US Doesn’t Need Meet the New, Super-Expensive Stealth Bomber the US Doesn’t Need

Jimmy Carter once canceled a massive weapons project because it was useless. Would Trump?

Jun 4, 2018 / William J. Astore

Schumer and Democrats

Democrats Are Missing the Opportunity to Offer an Alternative to Endless War Democrats Are Missing the Opportunity to Offer an Alternative to Endless War

The Democrats’ failure to advance a bold progressive alternative to President Trump’s belligerent policies and bloated defense budgets is a huge missed opportunity.

May 29, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Trump speaks to navy and shipyard personnel

Forget ‘America First’—Donald Trump’s Policy Is Drones First Forget ‘America First’—Donald Trump’s Policy Is Drones First

In Niger and elsewhere, Washington is using drones to expand the “War on Terror.”

May 25, 2018 / Rebecca Gordon

Demonstrators protest the U.S. moving its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, outside the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles.

Demand That Congress Hold Israel Accountable for the Massacre in Gaza Demand That Congress Hold Israel Accountable for the Massacre in Gaza

You can also get your friends to call their senators about net neutrality and join the Poor People’s Campaign.

May 15, 2018 / NationAction

B-52 releases MOP

Progressives Need a New Way to Talk About National Security Progressives Need a New Way to Talk About National Security

Voters say they support cuts in defense spending—Democrats should, too.

May 11, 2018 / Feature / Joe Cirincione and Guy T. Saperstein

Trump in Saudi Arabia

How the Saudis Wooed Donald Trump How the Saudis Wooed Donald Trump

All it took was flattery, arms, and a little bit of cash.

May 10, 2018 / Benjamin Freeman and William D. Hartung

US marines outside of Falluja in 2004.

The United States Is the Real Extremist Country The United States Is the Real Extremist Country

Our investment in destruction is anything but normal.

May 8, 2018 / Tom Engelhardt

Red Square in Moscow

‘Russiagate’ Allegations Continue to Escalate the Danger of War With Russia ‘Russiagate’ Allegations Continue to Escalate the Danger of War With Russia

Incessant Kremlin-baiting of President Trump is risking a Cuban missile–like crisis that he, unlike JFK in 1962, may not be permitted to resolve peacefully.

Apr 18, 2018 / Stephen F. Cohen

Gaza teargas

American Laws Can Help Stop Israeli Massacres in Gaza American Laws Can Help Stop Israeli Massacres in Gaza

But first, it will require a movement to push Congress and the president to uphold those laws.

Apr 13, 2018 / Alex Kane

Chinese naval officer stands next to rocket launcher

Is a Modern Chinese Navy a Threat to the United States? Is a Modern Chinese Navy a Threat to the United States?

China’s rising presence in the Indian and Pacific oceans has far-reaching implications for our world order.

Apr 9, 2018 / Alfred W. McCoy
