‘Work for Peace’: A Movement to Bring the Troops and Tax Dollars Home ‘Work for Peace’: A Movement to Bring the Troops and Tax Dollars Home
Progressives launch drive to get Democratic senators to reshape national priorities—cut the military-industrial complex, support “Medicare for All.”
May 31, 2011 / John Nichols

Mexicans Reject US-Backed Drug War Mexicans Reject US-Backed Drug War
Tens of thousands marched to Mexico City on May 8 to protest the rising death toll and demand a new “citizens’ pact.”
May 10, 2011 / Laura Carlsen
Is US Aid Suppressing Yemen’s Freedom Struggle? Is US Aid Suppressing Yemen’s Freedom Struggle?
The increased use of military helicopters to crack down on demonstrators in Yemen begs the question: Are any of these helicopters part of a recent aid package from the Obama admin...
Apr 28, 2011 / Nick Turse
Obama Gets ‘F’ for Defense Cuts Obama Gets ‘F’ for Defense Cuts
Proposing a mere $400 billion in defense cuts over the next decade or so just doesn’t cut it.
Apr 15, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss

Taking Aim at the Pentagon Budget Taking Aim at the Pentagon Budget
Economic crisis, deficit mania and war weariness have created political momentum for big cuts to military spending.
Mar 23, 2011 / Feature / Bob Dreyfuss
US, UK Meddling in Cairo US, UK Meddling in Cairo
London is peddling weapons to Egypt's military. Already.
Feb 21, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss
Cutting Defense: Obama, Gates Say No Cutting Defense: Obama, Gates Say No
A coalition of liberals, antiwar activists, Tea Party types and deficit hawks are getting out the axe for the Pentagon's bloated budget.
Feb 16, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss
For the First Time Ever, They Had a Revolution… For the First Time Ever, They Had a Revolution…
Let's keep Washington Bullets in mind thinking about Egypt.
Feb 12, 2011 / Greg Grandin

GOP Fires at the Pentagon GOP Fires at the Pentagon
Among Republicans, a civil war has broken out over defense spending.
Jan 27, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss
Is Lockheed Martin Shadowing You? Is Lockheed Martin Shadowing You?
Have you noticed that Lockheed Martin, the giant weapons corporation, is shadowing you? If you have a life, Lockheed Martin is likely a part of it.
Jan 11, 2011 / William D. Hartung