Arms Spending

America’s Empire of Bases 2.0 America’s Empire of Bases 2.0

How many military bases does the US really have around the globe?

Jan 10, 2011 / Nick Turse

Dwight Eisenhower & ‘The Nation’

Dwight Eisenhower & ‘The Nation’ Dwight Eisenhower & ‘The Nation’

The Nation was central to Eisenhower's understanding of the military-industrial complex.

Jan 6, 2011 / Books & the Arts / James Ledbetter

Times Joins Pentagon on China’s ‘Naval Ambitions’ Times Joins Pentagon on China’s ‘Naval Ambitions’

The editors want more weapons and military "steadfastedness" against Beijing.

Jan 2, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss

Stephen Cohen: What the START Treaty Means for Russian-American Relations Stephen Cohen: What the START Treaty Means for Russian-American Relations

After yesterday's Senate movement in support of the New START nuclear arms treaty between the US and Russia, the Senate is expected to vote on final ratification of the tr...

Dec 22, 2010 / CNN

What Are Teachers Worth? What Are Teachers Worth?

If we can't find a way to pay living wages for kindergarten teachers, who are we?

Aug 3, 2010 / Laura Flanders

Containing China Is A Fool’s Errand. Yet Obama’s Deal with Indonesian Thugs Is Aimed at Exactly That Containing China Is A Fool’s Errand. Yet Obama’s Deal with Indonesian Thugs Is Aimed at Exactly That

Why resuming ties with Indonesia's special forces, Kopassus, ain't such a hot idea.

Jul 23, 2010 / Bob Dreyfuss

Top Secret: Privatizing Fails Top Secret: Privatizing Fails

Talk about a Race to the Top. While deficit hawks obsess over spending for some, private security companies, private spies, and private armies have gotten there.

Jul 20, 2010 / Laura Flanders

What Price for Defense? What Price for Defense?

Obama's new National Security Strategy overextends US military commitments at a time when severe budget deficits require significant cuts in defense spending.

Jun 28, 2010 / William D. Hartung

US Delivering F-16s to Pakistan This Weekend US Delivering F-16s to Pakistan This Weekend

The US says the planes will help Pakistan to "strike terrorists within their borders." Lockheed Martin cashes in on the deal.

Jun 24, 2010 / Jeremy Scahill

Drone Attacks to Stimulate Economy? Drone Attacks to Stimulate Economy?

What's worse: backstabbing a president or bombing lots of civilians?

Jun 23, 2010 / Laura Flanders
