Arms Spending

Tucker Carlson’s Flip-Flops on Russia Mask a Deep Militarism

Tucker Carlson’s Flip-Flops on Russia Mask a Deep Militarism Tucker Carlson’s Flip-Flops on Russia Mask a Deep Militarism

Rather than seek allies among the far right, progressives need to advance our own vision of an inclusive common good against militarism and white nationalism.

Mar 28, 2022 / Tobita Chow and Ben Lorber

An aerial view of the Pentagon

We Don’t Need to Go Back to Cold War Spending—We’re Already There We Don’t Need to Go Back to Cold War Spending—We’re Already There

Before Washington embarks on a new Cold War, it’s time to remind ourselves of the global consequences of the last one.

Mar 25, 2022 / William D. Hartung, Nick Cleveland-Stout, and Taylor Giorno

Poland border attack ambulances

Russia Strikes Closer to NATO’s Front Door Russia Strikes Closer to NATO’s Front Door

An early Sunday morning attack 12 miles from the Polish border follows a threat to target weapons shipments.

Mar 14, 2022 / Nicolas Niarchos

Biden Pentagon

Take It From JFK—Appeasement Over Confrontation Take It From JFK—Appeasement Over Confrontation

Displays of presidential toughness aren’t what our nation needs right now.

Mar 3, 2022 / Andrew J. Bacevich

Ukraine peace protest

We Must End the War on Ukraine—and Put an End to Perpetual Wars We Must End the War on Ukraine—and Put an End to Perpetual Wars

A revived Cold War triggered by Putin’s invasion would distract from bigger threats.

Mar 1, 2022 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Military training abroad

With Violence, America Reaps What It Sows With Violence, America Reaps What It Sows

The hum of the continuing violence embedded in this country’s war-making structure is so constant that most of us don’t even notice or question it.

Feb 24, 2022 / Kelly Denton-Borhaug

Ukraine soldiers near tank

Russia, Ukraine, and the New Bipartisanship in Washington Russia, Ukraine, and the New Bipartisanship in Washington

Democrats and Republicans unite in boosting Pentagon spending.

Feb 23, 2022 / Michael T. Klare

Palestinian with Mandela photo

Is This Israel’s South Africa Moment? Is This Israel’s South Africa Moment?

As Amnesty International issues a landmark report on Israeli apartheid, it’s time for Americans to demand accountability, not complicity, from their government.

Feb 7, 2022 / Omar Barghouti and Stefanie Fox

Why We Intend to Pass a New Yemen War Powers Resolution

Why We Intend to Pass a New Yemen War Powers Resolution Why We Intend to Pass a New Yemen War Powers Resolution

Ending unconstitutional US involvement in the war.

Feb 7, 2022 / Rep. Pramila Jayapal and Rep. Peter DeFazio

US special forces group conducting weapons training

Another Banner Year for the Military-Industrial Complex Another Banner Year for the Military-Industrial Complex

Opposing Build Back Better while throwing so much more money at the Pentagon marks the ultimate in budgetary and national-security hypocrisy.

Feb 4, 2022 / William D. Hartung
