Arms Spending

The Truth Emerges, Sort Of The Truth Emerges, Sort Of

Aha! So Tenet is the guy Responsible for Bush's lie About the Niger A-bomb deal That from the start was quite unreal. The Niger lie's off Tenet's chest.

Jul 17, 2003 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Nigergate Thuggery Nigergate Thuggery

Did senior Bush officials blow the cover of a US intelligence officer working covertly in a field of vital importance to national security--and break the law--in order to strik...

Jul 17, 2003 / David Corn

WMD: Who Knew What? WMD: Who Knew What?

"Intelligence is an art, not a science," says Deputy Defense Secretary Wolfowitz. Secretary of State Powell observes, "There are always debates about intelligence subjects.

Jul 2, 2003 / David Corn

Letter From Ground Zero Letter From Ground Zero

A small journalistic cottage industry has grown up demonstrating that the Bush Administration took the nation to war against Iraq under false pretenses.

Jun 26, 2003 / Jonathan Schell

The ‘Dodgy Dossier’ The ‘Dodgy Dossier’

Like Kaa the python in Disney's Jungle Book, Tony Blair has staked his career on a single hypnotic refrain.

Jun 26, 2003 / Maria Margaronis

The War Is Not Over The War Is Not Over

George W.

Jun 19, 2003 / The Editors

Letter From Ground Zero Letter From Ground Zero

It is notoriously difficult to prove a negative. At what point can you be sure that something does not in fact exist?

Jun 12, 2003 / Jonathan Schell

The ‘Intelligence’ Game The ‘Intelligence’ Game

As quixotic searches for "weapons of mass destruction" in Iraq continue to yield little more than chagrin, the Washington establishment is growing restive.

Jun 12, 2003 / Jason Vest

Bad Iraq Data From Start to Finish Bad Iraq Data From Start to Finish

Americans were duped: Evidence of Administration manipulation and mendacity just keeps rolling in.

Jun 11, 2003 / Column / Robert Scheer

Iraq’s WMD Intelligence Iraq’s WMD Intelligence

"What amazes me is that the President himself is not clamoring for an investigation."

Jun 5, 2003 / Senator Robert C. Byrd
