Beyond Exhaustion: Dan Graham’s Period Pieces Beyond Exhaustion: Dan Graham’s Period Pieces
Does the art of Dan Graham and his disciples promise deceptive simplicity or formulaic thinking?
Aug 26, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Barry Schwabsky
GI Joe, Post-American Hero GI Joe, Post-American Hero
Why is it that GI Joe--like all action figures in all action movies of this moment--has left the all-American battlefield for outer, or future or alternate space?
Aug 26, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Tom Engelhardt
Michael Moore’s Capitalism: A Love Story Michael Moore’s Capitalism: A Love Story
In his latest film, Michael Moore goes after Wall Street fat cats and congressmen who love them, tracing the path of the economy through Bush, bubbles and bailouts.
Aug 24, 2009 / Books & the Arts / The Nation Video
‘Do the Right Thing’: Still a Racial Rorschach at 20 ‘Do the Right Thing’: Still a Racial Rorschach at 20
Is Spike Lee's seminal film still relevant in the Obama era?
Aug 18, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Viveca Greene and Chris Tinson
Tyler Perry’s Gender Problem Tyler Perry’s Gender Problem
Filmmaker Tyler Perry may see himself as creating modern-day fairy tales for black women, but he's actually reinforcing some seriously conservative gender politics.
Aug 13, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Courtney Young
Creatures of the Night: On Park Chan-wook and the Dardennes Creatures of the Night: On Park Chan-wook and the Dardennes
Park Chan-wook's Thirst, Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne's Lorna's Silence and Lucrecia Martel's The Headless Woman.
Aug 12, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Stuart Klawans
Fixer: The Taking of Ajmal Naqshbandi Fixer: The Taking of Ajmal Naqshbandi
Nation contributor Christian Parenti describes the relationship between a fixer and a Western reporter in a haunting documentary about the kidnapping of his fixer in Afghanistan.
Aug 11, 2009 / Books & the Arts / The Nation Video
The Story of a Fixer The Story of a Fixer
A haunting documentary shines a light on the foreign "fixers" who work behind the scenes with reporters to determine how the story of war gets told.
Jul 29, 2009 / Books & the Arts / The Editors
Solaliquies Solaliquies
Rising to the dare of Martial Solal's mischievous piano playing.
Jul 28, 2009 / Books & the Arts / K. Leander Williams
Whitey on the Moon Whitey on the Moon
Thanks to Liliana Segura for reminding me of the great singer Gil Scott-Heron’s take on Neil Armstrong’s historic moon landing forty years ago today. Scott-Heron recor…
Jul 20, 2009 / Peter Rothberg