
Senator Elizabeth Warren

Why Is Elizabeth Warren Working With a Pro-Trump Republican? Why Is Elizabeth Warren Working With a Pro-Trump Republican?

The champion of the liberal wing of the Democratic Party and a hard-charging conservative have found common ground.

May 13, 2016 / George Zornick

Against Trump, Clinton Should Resist the Temptation of Triangulation

Against Trump, Clinton Should Resist the Temptation of Triangulation Against Trump, Clinton Should Resist the Temptation of Triangulation

By running a progressive campaign and winning, Clinton can do something lasting and important. She can move the center to the left.

May 10, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

American Money

When It Comes to Taxes, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Have 1 Thing in Common When It Comes to Taxes, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Have 1 Thing in Common

Tax avoidance by the wealthiest Americans—including the presidential front-runners—costs the US government an additional $130 billion per year.

May 5, 2016 / Nomi Prins

A protester with a bullhorn at a protest in Albany

Today Is Tax Day—Are Corporations Paying Their Fair Share? Today Is Tax Day—Are Corporations Paying Their Fair Share?

The amount of money corporations offshore is enough to fund healthcare for over 2 billion people worldwide.

Apr 18, 2016 / Michelle Chen

The Panama Papers—and People Power—Force Iceland’s Prime Minister to Resign

The Panama Papers—and People Power—Force Iceland’s Prime Minister to Resign The Panama Papers—and People Power—Force Iceland’s Prime Minister to Resign

Citizens are enraged that his government enforced strict capital controls while he stashed his own money in the Caribbean.

Apr 5, 2016 / James North

1930s rowhouses

How Banks and Developers Collude to Get Rid of New York’s Affordable Housing How Banks and Developers Collude to Get Rid of New York’s Affordable Housing

Granting huge mortgages on rent-regulated buildings doesn’t make financial sense—unless lenders know buyers will kick out existing tenants.

Apr 5, 2016 / DW Gibson

Protesters in Iceland after Panama Papers leak

The Panama Papers Expose the Hidden Wealth of the World’s Super-Rich The Panama Papers Expose the Hidden Wealth of the World’s Super-Rich

This massive leak will boost the global movement to recapture trillions of the hidden wealth of nations.

Apr 5, 2016 / Chuck Collins

Congressional Progessive Caucus

This Congressional Progressive Caucus Budget Shows That Bold, Progressive Ideas Are Feasible and Sensible This Congressional Progressive Caucus Budget Shows That Bold, Progressive Ideas Are Feasible and Sensible

The remarkable CPC People’s Budget is an urgent call for the kinds of bigger, bolder reforms that can make our lives better. 

Mar 22, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Detroit Water Protest

How Wall Street Caused a Water Crisis in America’s Cities How Wall Street Caused a Water Crisis in America’s Cities

Vulnerable residents are paying the price for dangerous financial deals.

Mar 11, 2016 / Carrie Sloan

Harvard University

Universities Are Becoming Billion-Dollar Hedge Funds With Schools Attached Universities Are Becoming Billion-Dollar Hedge Funds With Schools Attached

Students are beginning to urge divestment.

Mar 8, 2016 / StudentNation / Astra Taylor
