
Home Sweet Gone Home Sweet Gone

The subprime crisis was not just caused by lending run amok, but by unrestrained trading that made a precarious situation even worse.

Nov 30, 2007 / Nomi Prins

Citi’s Mexican Cronies Citi’s Mexican Cronies

As megabanks seek a subprime bailout, take a lesson from Mexico. Taxpayers of the world, hold on to your wallets.

Nov 29, 2007 / Jeff Faux

The Subprime Bailout The Subprime Bailout

One way or another, banks will get taxpayer help to undo the subprime mess, but it won't be cheap. And the rest of us can bank on getting robbed in the process.

Nov 14, 2007 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman

The Coming Foreclosure Tsunami The Coming Foreclosure Tsunami

As Congress grapples with the wave of foreclosures and bankruptcies resulting from the subprime mess, why are some Dems siding with the banks?

Nov 13, 2007 / Feature / Chris Hayes

The Housing Bubble Pops The Housing Bubble Pops

To solve the subprime mortgage crisis, start with aid for vulnerable homeowners, smarter economic policies and a more competent Federal Reserve Board.

Sep 13, 2007 / Dean Baker

Welcome to Fleece U Welcome to Fleece U

Our mission is to take feckless teenagers like you and turn them into full-fledged debtors.

Sep 6, 2007 / Barbara Ehrenreich

The House that Hedge Funds Built The House that Hedge Funds Built

The rickety financial skyscaper known as the subprime mortgage business is ready to tumble--and the rest of us may be buried in the rubble.

Jun 26, 2007 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman

The Loan Shark Lobby The Loan Shark Lobby

With Democrats in control of Congress, prospects for regulating subprime lenders have improved. But don't hold your breath.

Mar 29, 2007 / Garrett Ordower

Credit Card Tricks Credit Card Tricks

Banks no longer lend money to people able to pay them back. Now they trap the poor, the sick, students and elderly people into signing up for credit cards and watch the fees pile u...

Mar 16, 2007 / Feature / Nicholas von Hoffman

Subprime Mortgage Blues Subprime Mortgage Blues

As the housing market flattens, the poor pay the price for the greed and stupidity of the real estate and banking bigwigs.

Mar 5, 2007 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman
