Credit Card Tricks Credit Card Tricks
Banks no longer lend money to people able to pay them back. Now they trap the poor, the sick, students and elderly people into signing up for credit cards and watch the fees pile u...
Mar 16, 2007 / Feature / Nicholas von Hoffman
Subprime Mortgage Blues Subprime Mortgage Blues
As the housing market flattens, the poor pay the price for the greed and stupidity of the real estate and banking bigwigs.
Mar 5, 2007 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman
Temple of Mammon, Planet of Doom Temple of Mammon, Planet of Doom
As we head into Summer 2006, the world capitalist system is out of control.
Jun 28, 2006 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
Student Debts, Stunted Lives Student Debts, Stunted Lives
As Congress jacks up the rates students and their parents are paying for college loans, the consequences are already being felt by young people whose ability to have a child or own...
Mar 14, 2006 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman
Credit Crunch Credit Crunch
New federal guidelines for banks and credit card companies that boost minimum monthly payments have wreaked havoc on American families struggling to pay their bills and avoid bankr...
Jan 31, 2006 / Feature / Mark Winston Griffith
Monetary Zombies Monetary Zombies
We're on our way to being a society of economic zombies, half dead and half alive, buried in debt but prevented by credit card companies from declaring bankruptcy.
Jan 17, 2006 / Feature / Nicholas von Hoffman
Pop Goes the Real Estate Bubble Pop Goes the Real Estate Bubble
Stocks crash and housing prices tend to go down with a whisper. But a disturbing number of signs now point to a sudden burst of the real estate bubble.
Oct 5, 2005 / Feature / Nicholas von Hoffman
The Bank of Wal-Mart? The Bank of Wal-Mart?
Sounds like an episode of The Simpsons, but this is for real: The retail giant wants even more of your money.
Aug 31, 2005 / Feature / Liza Featherstone
Sins & the Citi Sins & the Citi
Where is the public's outrage over corruption in US finance and banking?
Jun 16, 2005 / William Greider
Why the Bubble Popped Why the Bubble Popped
This clutch of books offers an excellent retrospective on the recent stock-market crash, which wiped out $8.5 trillion in market value.
Apr 15, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Robert Sherrill