It’s Not Just Students Drowning in Debt. Colleges Are Too! It’s Not Just Students Drowning in Debt. Colleges Are Too!
When universities have to borrow just to keep the doors open, bankers and rating agencies call the shots.
Nov 20, 2020 / Feature / Eleni Schirmer

It’s Time for Public Banking in New York City It’s Time for Public Banking in New York City
We need a banking institution that will do what Wall Street won’t: invest the public’s money to advance social justice.
Nov 18, 2020 / Bob Master and Mark Levine

Trump’s Taxing History Trump’s Taxing History
A president in debt, and America pays.
Oct 8, 2020 / OppArt / J.T. Williamson

31 Days Until the Election 31 Days Until the Election
Vanity UnFair: Trump dismantles democracy.
Oct 3, 2020 / OppArt / Mark Bryan

How Federal Housing Programs Failed Black America How Federal Housing Programs Failed Black America
In Race for Profit, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor shows how even those housing policies that sought to create more Black homeowners were stymied by racism and a determination to shr...
Aug 25, 2020 / Books & the Arts / Marcia Chatelain

Letters From the August 10/17, 2020, Issue Letters From the August 10/17, 2020, Issue
Demilitarize the police… The case for public banks… Wrestlemania… A perverse legacy… Spinning their wheels…
Jul 28, 2020 / Our Readers

What We Can Learn From Feminist Federal Credit Unions What We Can Learn From Feminist Federal Credit Unions
Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, women- and minority-owned businesses are still contending with unequal access to credit.
Jul 23, 2020 / Cecilia Nowell

Why JPMorgan Chase Should Give $1 Billion to Black Neighborhoods in Chicago Why JPMorgan Chase Should Give $1 Billion to Black Neighborhoods in Chicago
Activist Ja’Mal Green wants the nation’s biggest bank to pay reparations for its history of racist lending.
Jul 6, 2020 / Q&A / Daniel Fernandez

What Does It Really Mean to Invest In Black Communities? What Does It Really Mean to Invest In Black Communities?
As the call grows to “divest and invest,” it is essential that we not exchange the violence of the police for the violence of finance capitalism.
Jun 29, 2020 / Feature / Destin Jenkins