Our Man in Jazz Our Man in Jazz
Not many people can say they changed the world and make it stick. In Myself Among Others: A Life in Music, George Wein does.
Jun 26, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Gene Santoro
White Teeth White Teeth
Norman Rush's first novel, Mating (1991), opens with a nervous but gripping epigram: "In Africa, you want more, I think." The speaker, an unnamed American anthropologist who do...
Jun 26, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Michael Wood
Secrets and Lies Secrets and Lies
You would hope that the passage of fifty years might have cleared the passions that once inflamed the Rosenberg case.
Jun 26, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Philip Weiss
The Everything Expert The Everything Expert
Toward the end of his memoir, My Brother's Keeper, Amitai Etzioni recounts meeting with the political consultant Dick Morris.
Jun 26, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Robert S. Boynton
The Empire Strikes Back The Empire Strikes Back
A few years in Washington, DC, snake-oil capital of the universe, and you begin to think that anything can be packaged as something else. Well, almost anything.
Jun 19, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Anatol Lieven
Passport: A Manifesto Passport: A Manifesto
This is your passport I hold in my hand: a hemisphere, half red ink, half blue-- as yet untorched by terror, but polluted
Jun 12, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Carol Muske-Dukes
The Critical Imagination The Critical Imagination
James Wood, the ferociously intelligent critic whose reviews appear regularly in The New Republic and the London Review of Books, has single-handedly done a great deal to impro...
Jun 12, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Brian Morton
The Last Mogul The Last Mogul
Lew Wasserman, who died last summer at 89, was not only the most powerful and influential man in Hollywood over the past half-century but also the most enigmatic.
Jun 12, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Thomas Schatz
Wrestling With Augie March Wrestling With Augie March
Editor's Note: With Leonard Kriegel's meditation on Saul Bellow's 1953 novel The Adventures of Augie March, we introduce a series of occasional essays revisiting classic works of l...
Jun 5, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Leonard Kriegel
The Believer The Believer
A reader knowing nothing of the 1990s might well come away from Sidney Blumenthal's lengthy account of The Clinton Wars with the impression that for eight years, Bill and Hilla...
Jun 5, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Tom Wicker