Books and Ideas

Atom Bomb: One World or None Atom Bomb: One World or None

The creation of the atom bomb is the greatest revolution ever accomplished in science--and unquestionably the most frightening.

Aug 23, 2001 / Freda Kirchwey

Tulsa, 1921

Tulsa, 1921 Tulsa, 1921

On the 100th anniversary of the riot in that city, we commemorate the report written for this magazine by a remarkable journalist.

Aug 23, 2001 / Feature / The Editors and Walter F. White

We’re All Ears We’re All Ears

An accomplished journalist weaves a narrative about the NSA that includes sympathetic portraits of key players.

May 31, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Dusko Doder

The Uncertainty Principals The Uncertainty Principals

American intellectuals love the higher gossip because it gives intellectual life here--ignored or sneered at by the public--a good name. Sensational anecdotes (Harvard's Louis Aga...

May 25, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Carlin Romano

Discovery/The Nation ’01 Prizewinners Discovery/The Nation ’01 Prizewinners

The Nation announces the winners of Discovery/The Nation, the Joan Leiman Jacobson Poetry Prize.

Apr 19, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Grace Schulman

Hollywood’s Big Sleep Hollywood’s Big Sleep

With negotiations between the Writers Guild and some of Hollywood's major film studios and TV networks at an impasse as the May 1 deadline nears, putting the panic of a strike in...

Mar 15, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Raymond Chandler

Deconstructing the Election Deconstructing the Election

The history which bears and determines us has the form of a war rather than that of a language: relations of power, not relations of meaning.       ...

Mar 8, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Win McCormack

Vietnam: ‘Quagmire’ Quackery Vietnam: ‘Quagmire’ Quackery

Another book on the Vietnam War? Yes, and one well worth our attention. Enough time has now passed that A.J. Langguth's Our Vietnam: The War 1954-1975 serves not only as a wonder...

Feb 15, 2001 / Books & the Arts / David Rudenstine

Greedlock in Congress Greedlock in Congress

Single-payer healthcare is favored by the public, yet the insurance industry has too much to lose if it is enacted.

Feb 8, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Kip Sullivan

Acid Rock: A Flashback Acid Rock: A Flashback

Nick Bromell's Tomorrow Never Knows explores rock and roll in the sixties.

Feb 8, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Jon Wiener
