
Learning From Decades of Public Health Failure

Learning From Decades of Public Health Failure Learning From Decades of Public Health Failure

A conversation with George Aumoithe on the history of disease prevention, the economic roots of the crisis American hospitals face, and why we need to do better.

Jan 19, 2022 / Q&A / Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins

Gov. Gavin Newsom Covid-19 Testing

Gavin Newsom’s New Budget Proposal Expands Health Care to the Undocumented Gavin Newsom’s New Budget Proposal Expands Health Care to the Undocumented

It’s a huge step toward universal health care coverage.

Jan 14, 2022 / Sasha Abramsky

Inflation democrats

Why Democrats Started Fixating on Inflation Why Democrats Started Fixating on Inflation

Anticipating an impact on their electoral fortunes, Democrats are hoping to get ahead on a pressing question.

Dec 28, 2021 / Column / Aída Chávez

West Virginians Give Manchin a Lump of Coal for Christmas

West Virginians Give Manchin a Lump of Coal for Christmas West Virginians Give Manchin a Lump of Coal for Christmas

Manchin claims his constituents are happy with his abandonment of Build Back Better. Miners and other residents say that just isn’t so.

Dec 23, 2021 / John Nichols

Joe Manchin committee hearing

The Coverage of Build Back Better’s Failure Is Focused on the Wrong Culprits The Coverage of Build Back Better’s Failure Is Focused on the Wrong Culprits

This isn’t a case of “Democratic disarray.”

Dec 21, 2021 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Sanders and the Squad Knew Manchin Couldn’t Be Trusted

Sanders and the Squad Knew Manchin Couldn’t Be Trusted Sanders and the Squad Knew Manchin Couldn’t Be Trusted

They had strategies for taking on the West Virginian, but top Democrats refused to listen.

Dec 20, 2021 / John Nichols

“Shameful”: The Democratic-Led House Approves a Massive Military Spending Bill

“Shameful”: The Democratic-Led House Approves a Massive Military Spending Bill “Shameful”: The Democratic-Led House Approves a Massive Military Spending Bill

“Don’t ever tell me we can’t afford to invest in our communities when we just approved $778 billion for the Pentagon,” said California Representative Barbara Lee.

Dec 10, 2021 / John Nichols

Paperwork Keeps People Poor

Paperwork Keeps People Poor Paperwork Keeps People Poor

It would be a huge mistake for Democrats to embrace harsh work requirements once again.

Nov 29, 2021 / Bryce Covert

Pramila Jayapal Has Made Her Case to Be Pelosi’s Successor

Pramila Jayapal Has Made Her Case to Be Pelosi’s Successor Pramila Jayapal Has Made Her Case to Be Pelosi’s Successor

The chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus could be in line to step into the Democratic leader’s shoes.

Nov 26, 2021 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

F-35 Lockheed Martin

We’re Spending Money on War When We Could Be Building Roads We’re Spending Money on War When We Could Be Building Roads

Our problem in this country isn’t lack of funds, no matter what the Republicans, Manchin, and Sinema may claim.

Nov 25, 2021 / Andrea Mazzarino
