
Mattis and Nicholson

The Pentagon Wants to Spend $716 Billion Next Year The Pentagon Wants to Spend $716 Billion Next Year

And it is justifying that by playing on fear.

Feb 20, 2018 / Danny Sjursen

With His Assault on PBS and NPR, Trump Seeks to Eliminate Real News

With His Assault on PBS and NPR, Trump Seeks to Eliminate Real News With His Assault on PBS and NPR, Trump Seeks to Eliminate Real News

In much of America, PBS and NPR stations represent the primary alternative to fanaticism and fakery.

Feb 14, 2018 / John Nichols

Chao and Trump

Trump’s Infrastructure Plan Is to Spend Less on Infrastructure Trump’s Infrastructure Plan Is to Spend Less on Infrastructure

The administration’s plan is to spend money with one hand, and take it away with the other.

Feb 13, 2018 / David Dayen


Another Trump Failure: Infrastructure Another Trump Failure: Infrastructure

The president’s latest proposal does nothing to change the fact that he has failed to deliver on the American people’s top priority.

Feb 6, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel


With a Shutdown Surrender, Democrats Left Millions of People Behind With a Shutdown Surrender, Democrats Left Millions of People Behind

Community health centers that serve millions are in serious danger.

Jan 23, 2018 / David Dayen

Donald Trump Owns This Shutdown

Donald Trump Owns This Shutdown Donald Trump Owns This Shutdown

The president is so AWOL, he might as well be golfing at Mar-a-Lago.

Jan 20, 2018 / John Nichols

Trump War Protest Bethesda

Will Our Endless Wars Fuel the Next Populist Revolt? Will Our Endless Wars Fuel the Next Populist Revolt?

The lives lost and money wasted are real. The only question is who has the courage to state that the emperor has no clothes.

Jan 16, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

3 Reasons Why Republicans Will Let the Rich Abuse the Tax Code

3 Reasons Why Republicans Will Let the Rich Abuse the Tax Code 3 Reasons Why Republicans Will Let the Rich Abuse the Tax Code

The GOP tax bill creates a vast and easy game for accountants to play.

Jan 12, 2018 / Mike Konczal

Trump Andrews Air Force Base

Trump Is On His Way to Record-Setting Defense Spending in 2018 Trump Is On His Way to Record-Setting Defense Spending in 2018

As the president doubles down on wars abroad, companies like Boeing stand to reap billions.

Jan 11, 2018 / William D. Hartung

Kevin de León

The GOP Tax Bill Was a Deliberate Attack on Blue States—and California Plans to Fight Back The GOP Tax Bill Was a Deliberate Attack on Blue States—and California Plans to Fight Back

Here are some creative ways for blue states to resist the GOP power grab.

Jan 6, 2018 / Sasha Abramsky
