
Thank a Postal Worker Thank a Postal Worker

The USPS needs support, not downsizing.

Dec 26, 2013 / John Nichols

FDR’s ‘Christmas Carol’ is the Antidote to Lump-of-Coal Austerity

FDR’s ‘Christmas Carol’ is the Antidote to Lump-of-Coal Austerity FDR’s ‘Christmas Carol’ is the Antidote to Lump-of-Coal Austerity

The thirty-second president used Dickens’s tale to make the case for programs to aid the dispossessed. We should do the same.

Dec 24, 2013 / John Nichols

Congress Chooses Austerity Over Job Creation and Economic Growth

Congress Chooses Austerity Over Job Creation and Economic Growth Congress Chooses Austerity Over Job Creation and Economic Growth

Republicans and Democrats in the House vote 332-94 for a bad budget plan.

Dec 13, 2013 / John Nichols

A Cruel, Irresponsible and Dysfunctional Budget Deal

A Cruel, Irresponsible and Dysfunctional Budget Deal A Cruel, Irresponsible and Dysfunctional Budget Deal

Budget negotiators are patting themselves on the back. But what they've agreed to is a lousy deal for jobless workers, federal employees, military personnel and the economy.

Dec 11, 2013 / John Nichols

Teachers, Parents Complain Overcrowding, Lack of Support Plague ‘Welcoming Schools’

Teachers, Parents Complain Overcrowding, Lack of Support Plague ‘Welcoming Schools’ Teachers, Parents Complain Overcrowding, Lack of Support Plague ‘Welcoming Schools’

Chicago officials promised a smooth transition for students from closed schools, but parents and teachers complain the “welcoming schools” are plagued by familiar probl...

Dec 9, 2013 / Allison Kilkenny

Witnesses to Hunger (and Poverty) on the Hill

Witnesses to Hunger (and Poverty) on the Hill Witnesses to Hunger (and Poverty) on the Hill

Five Witnesses to Hunger came to Capitol Hill to talk poverty and hunger with Congress.

Nov 19, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann

Survey: 81 Percent of Universities Say Sequester Has Directly Affected Research Activities

Survey: 81 Percent of Universities Say Sequester Has Directly Affected Research Activities Survey: 81 Percent of Universities Say Sequester Has Directly Affected Research Activities

According to a new survery, 81 percent of participating universities say the sequester, or federal budget cuts, has directly affected their research activities.

Nov 12, 2013 / Allison Kilkenny

Parents and Teachers Rally to Save North Carolina Schools

Parents and Teachers Rally to Save North Carolina Schools Parents and Teachers Rally to Save North Carolina Schools

Parents and teachers rallied today in North Carolina to participate in a “walk in” to raise awareness about education budget cuts and low teacher salaries.

Nov 4, 2013 / Allison Kilkenny

Instead of Paul Ryan’s ‘Robin Hood in Reverse,’ Why Not a Robin Hood Tax?

Instead of Paul Ryan’s ‘Robin Hood in Reverse,’ Why Not a Robin Hood Tax? Instead of Paul Ryan’s ‘Robin Hood in Reverse,’ Why Not a Robin Hood Tax?

The budget conference committee should consider a real alternative to austerity.

Oct 30, 2013 / John Nichols

Anyone for a Real Inform Act?

Anyone for a Real Inform Act? Anyone for a Real Inform Act?

It was early, but for a moment I thought I was reading something important in an ad in The New York Times. Someone was paying attention to our nation's teetering imbalance! (No...

Oct 25, 2013 / Laura Flanders
