
Elites May Finally Realize Austerity Isn’t the Answer

Elites May Finally Realize Austerity Isn’t the Answer Elites May Finally Realize Austerity Isn’t the Answer

After a series of events this week, is the austerity consensus unraveling?

Apr 22, 2013 / Allison Kilkenny

Paul Ryan’s Austerity Agenda Relies on Bad Math, Coding Errors and a ‘Significant Mistake’

Paul Ryan’s Austerity Agenda Relies on Bad Math, Coding Errors and a ‘Significant Mistake’ Paul Ryan’s Austerity Agenda Relies on Bad Math, Coding Errors and a ‘Significant Mistake’

The House Budget Committee chairman cites a study that says high debt stalls growth—but the economists responsible for the paper admit they made a "significant mistake.&...

Apr 18, 2013 / John Nichols

A Robin Hood Response to the Austerity Lie: Tax Wall Street

A Robin Hood Response to the Austerity Lie: Tax Wall Street A Robin Hood Response to the Austerity Lie: Tax Wall Street

Congressman Keith Ellison renews his call for a financial transactions tax—this time, with a grassroots movement behind him.

Apr 17, 2013 / John Nichols

Greg Kaufmann: After Sequestration, Where Will Poor Families Sleep?

Greg Kaufmann: After Sequestration, Where Will Poor Families Sleep? Greg Kaufmann: After Sequestration, Where Will Poor Families Sleep?

Housing programs are getting the budgetary knife—a crisis for seniors, people with disabilities and poor families.

Apr 17, 2013 / Press Room

Obama’s Secret ‘Times’ Op-Ed Advisory Board, Unmasked!

Obama’s Secret ‘Times’ Op-Ed Advisory Board, Unmasked! Obama’s Secret ‘Times’ Op-Ed Advisory Board, Unmasked!

What will Middleman do next?

Apr 16, 2013 / Tom Tomorrow

Congress Refuses to Allow USPS to Fix Its Budget Woes

Congress Refuses to Allow USPS to Fix Its Budget Woes Congress Refuses to Allow USPS to Fix Its Budget Woes

Why? Because the Postal Service caters primarily to the poor.

Apr 15, 2013 / Allison Kilkenny

Obama’s Chained-CPI Social Security Cut Is Smart Politics… for the GOP

Obama’s Chained-CPI Social Security Cut Is Smart Politics… for the GOP Obama’s Chained-CPI Social Security Cut Is Smart Politics… for the GOP

Smart Democrats know that getting on the wrong side of the austerity debate could strike a "damning blow" to the party's 2014 prospects.

Apr 14, 2013 / John Nichols

John Nichols: How Saturday Mail Was Saved From Austerity

John Nichols: How Saturday Mail Was Saved From Austerity John Nichols: How Saturday Mail Was Saved From Austerity

The USPS is not the only public service under full frontal attack. How did it stay standing?

Apr 12, 2013 / Press Room

This Week in Poverty: Banks Got Nowhere to Run To, Baby

This Week in Poverty: Banks Got Nowhere to Run To, Baby This Week in Poverty: Banks Got Nowhere to Run To, Baby

The Big Banks are fleeing activists and shareholders who are challenging their bad practices. They can run, but they can't hide.

Apr 12, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann

Tax for America

Tax for America Tax for America

Just doing what’s popular would make us healthier, wealthier, wiser and less indebted.

Apr 11, 2013 / Mattea Kramer
