Call and Demand That Your Senators Reject Andy Puzder, the ‘Anti-Labor Secretary’ Call and Demand That Your Senators Reject Andy Puzder, the ‘Anti-Labor Secretary’
The fast-food CEO is uniquely unqualified to head the Department of Labor.
Feb 10, 2017 / NationAction

It’s Time for the Congressional Progressive Caucus to Raise Its Game It’s Time for the Congressional Progressive Caucus to Raise Its Game
The CPC must move from being the conscience of the Democratic caucus to being its captain, from defining the alternative to defining the agenda.
Feb 8, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Yemeni Bodega Owners Strike to Say ‘We Are America’ Yemeni Bodega Owners Strike to Say ‘We Are America’
Among the thousands who gathered in Brooklyn were many whose families had been directly affected by Trump’s immigration bans.
Feb 3, 2017 / Julianne Hing

Donald Trump Has Begun a Frontal Assault on Financial Reform Donald Trump Has Begun a Frontal Assault on Financial Reform
Friday’s executive order is mainly just a message, but it's a scary one.
Feb 3, 2017 / David Dayen

Hundreds of New York Bodegas Are on Strike Today Against Trump’s Muslim Ban Hundreds of New York Bodegas Are on Strike Today Against Trump’s Muslim Ban
The Yemeni-American diaspora is hitting back against the new administration’s Islamophobic travel ban.
Feb 2, 2017 / Atossa Araxia Abrahamian

What Can Ivanka Trump Possibly Do for Women Who Work? What Can Ivanka Trump Possibly Do for Women Who Work?
For insight into how the first daughter will manage her signature issue, look no further than her brand’s website.
Feb 1, 2017 / Feature / Amy Wilentz

This Bay Area Proposal Would Strike a Huge Blow to the Dirtiest Forms of Oil Production This Bay Area Proposal Would Strike a Huge Blow to the Dirtiest Forms of Oil Production
A proposed emissions cap would prevent the area’s refineries from converting dirtier-burning oils into fuel. Will it pass?
Jan 31, 2017 / Will Parrish

The Resistance to Trump Is Big, Diverse, and Ferocious The Resistance to Trump Is Big, Diverse, and Ferocious
It will take sustained and strategic action on many fronts to defend our democracy while building a bigger, stronger progressive movement.
Jan 31, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Trump’s Not Draining the Swamp—He’s Filling It Trump’s Not Draining the Swamp—He’s Filling It
Under President Trump, banking sharks will once again have immense influence on the American economy.
Jan 30, 2017 / Nomi Prins

Trump’s Crony Cabinet May Look Strong, but They Are Scared Trump’s Crony Cabinet May Look Strong, but They Are Scared
From climate justice to the Fight for $15, movements had CEOs on the ropes—and we can still beat them.
Jan 26, 2017 / Naomi Klein