Chattanooga Was a Typical Postindustrial City. Then It Began Offering Municipal Broadband. Chattanooga Was a Typical Postindustrial City. Then It Began Offering Municipal Broadband.
Chattanooga’s publicly owned Internet service has helped boost its economy and bridge the digital divide.
Jun 3, 2016 / P.E. Moskowitz

A New Campaign to Hold Wall Street Accountable Emerges A New Campaign to Hold Wall Street Accountable Emerges
Take on Wall Street sets the stage for the next wave of financial reform.
May 31, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

This Lawsuit Against Domino’s Could Be Huge for Workers This Lawsuit Against Domino’s Could Be Huge for Workers
The New York attorney general’s wage-theft suit could pave the way for unionizing workplaces across different owner-operators.
May 30, 2016 / Michelle Chen

Upset About Excessive CEO Pay? So Are Some BlackRock Shareholders Upset About Excessive CEO Pay? So Are Some BlackRock Shareholders
A proposal to put more muscle into the firm’s approach to CEO pay failed, but some are declaring it a victory anyway.
May 25, 2016 / Sarah Anderson

A New Coalition Aims to ‘Take On Wall Street’ A New Coalition Aims to ‘Take On Wall Street’
Just because the Democratic primary is drawing to a close doesn’t mean a conversation about financial reform has to end.
May 25, 2016 / George Zornick

Monopoly Power Is on the Rise in the US. Here’s How to Fix That. Monopoly Power Is on the Rise in the US. Here’s How to Fix That.
As industries become more concentrated, the state needs to step in to protect access, innovation, and fairness.
May 20, 2016 / Mike Konczal

Why Is Elizabeth Warren Working With a Pro-Trump Republican? Why Is Elizabeth Warren Working With a Pro-Trump Republican?
The champion of the liberal wing of the Democratic Party and a hard-charging conservative have found common ground.
May 13, 2016 / George Zornick

Against Trump, Clinton Should Resist the Temptation of Triangulation Against Trump, Clinton Should Resist the Temptation of Triangulation
By running a progressive campaign and winning, Clinton can do something lasting and important. She can move the center to the left.
May 10, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

For-Profit Colleges Have Found a New Way to Hoodwink Their Students For-Profit Colleges Have Found a New Way to Hoodwink Their Students
Read this before you sign anything.
May 9, 2016 / Michelle Chen

When It Comes to Taxes, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Have 1 Thing in Common When It Comes to Taxes, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton Have 1 Thing in Common
Tax avoidance by the wealthiest Americans—including the presidential front-runners—costs the US government an additional $130 billion per year.
May 5, 2016 / Nomi Prins