A Terrible Beauty: Remembering Ireland’s 1916 Easter Rebellion A Terrible Beauty: Remembering Ireland’s 1916 Easter Rebellion
Ireland was a laboratory for every manner of colonial repression by the British; 100 years after the Easter Rising, it is once again—this time by banks.
Mar 21, 2016 / Conn Hallinan

The Untold Story of the Texaco Oil Tycoon Who Loved Fascism The Untold Story of the Texaco Oil Tycoon Who Loved Fascism
Franco’s fuel supplier didn’t live in Berlin or Rome. He lived in New York, and he worked in the Chrysler Building.
Mar 21, 2016 / Adam Hochschild

How Trump Dog-Whistles the Business Establishment How Trump Dog-Whistles the Business Establishment
He cleverly woos the GOP base on issues like trade, but this working-class hero is actually a willing agent of the 1 percenters.
Mar 18, 2016 / William Greider

Stop a Drug Company From Dodging $35 Billion in Taxes Stop a Drug Company From Dodging $35 Billion in Taxes
Pfizer plans to use “corporate inversion” to reap a huge tax break.
Mar 18, 2016 / NationAction

Sports Marketing Sports Marketing
For Fightball players, the game is a mix of endurance and skill. For the audience, there’s a mix of spectacle, glamour, and drama.
Mar 15, 2016 / Photo Essay / Naima Green

Family Sues Private-Prison Operator Over Deaths at Immigrant-Only Facilities Family Sues Private-Prison Operator Over Deaths at Immigrant-Only Facilities
An investigation found dozens of questionable deaths related to cost cutting in privatized federal prisons.
Mar 15, 2016 / Seth Freed Wessler

How Wall Street Caused a Water Crisis in America’s Cities How Wall Street Caused a Water Crisis in America’s Cities
Vulnerable residents are paying the price for dangerous financial deals.
Mar 11, 2016 / Carrie Sloan

Universities Are Becoming Billion-Dollar Hedge Funds With Schools Attached Universities Are Becoming Billion-Dollar Hedge Funds With Schools Attached
Students are beginning to urge divestment.
Mar 8, 2016 / StudentNation / Astra Taylor

Democrats and Republicans Are Quietly Planning a Corporate Giveaway—to the Tune of $400 Billion Democrats and Republicans Are Quietly Planning a Corporate Giveaway—to the Tune of $400 Billion
Why isn’t anyone talking about it?
Mar 4, 2016 / William Greider

Read This Before You Sign Any Contract Read This Before You Sign Any Contract
Buried in the legal language of the contracts we all sign for jobs, credit cards, and more are clauses that effectively curtail our constitutional rights.
Mar 2, 2016 / Michelle Chen