
Even Hillary Clinton Thinks It’s Time to Investigate Exxon

Even Hillary Clinton Thinks It’s Time to Investigate Exxon Even Hillary Clinton Thinks It’s Time to Investigate Exxon

Lawmakers, candidates, and environmental groups are pressing the Department of Justice to probe the oil company’s role in sowing doubt about climate science.

Oct 30, 2015 / Zoë Carpenter

Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan, R-Wall Street Paul Ryan, R-Wall Street

The new speaker backs bank bailouts, risky investment schemes, and trade deals that have battered his hometown.

Oct 30, 2015 / John Nichols

The Committee for Better Banks rallies for ethical banking practices.

When Bank Workers Occupy the Banks When Bank Workers Occupy the Banks

Tellers and retail bankers not only struggle to make ends meet themselves—they’re being pushed to sell predatory financial products in the communities that can least afford them.

Oct 28, 2015 / Michelle Chen

Top CEOs Have $4.9 Billion Saved Up for Retirement. Nearly 1/3 of Workers Have Nothing.

Top CEOs Have $4.9 Billion Saved Up for Retirement. Nearly 1/3 of Workers Have Nothing. Top CEOs Have $4.9 Billion Saved Up for Retirement. Nearly 1/3 of Workers Have Nothing.

Extreme economic inequality has created an even greater disparity in savings for old age.

Oct 28, 2015 / Zoë Carpenter

Immigrants from El Salvador and Guatemala board a bus following their release from a family detention center in San Antonio, Texas.

The Department of Homeland Security’s ‘Baby Jails’ The Department of Homeland Security’s ‘Baby Jails’

In the wake of last summer’s migrant crisis, DHS is still keeping families in detention centers. What could go wrong?

Oct 23, 2015 / Michelle Chen

Tell Congress to Make Corporations Pay Their Taxes

Tell Congress to Make Corporations Pay Their Taxes Tell Congress to Make Corporations Pay Their Taxes

Join The Nation, the Americans for Tax Fairness Action Fund, Courage Campaign and 14 other organizations in calling on Congress to close corporate tax loopholes.

Oct 22, 2015 / NationAction

October 22, 1907: The Panic of 1907 Begins

October 22, 1907: The Panic of 1907 Begins October 22, 1907: The Panic of 1907 Begins

“What have we seen in New York during the past half-dozen years? Great banking institutions prostituted into tools of unscrupulous speculators.”

Oct 22, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

She Came to the US, Was Forced Into Indentured Servitude, and Now Faces Deportation

She Came to the US, Was Forced Into Indentured Servitude, and Now Faces Deportation She Came to the US, Was Forced Into Indentured Servitude, and Now Faces Deportation

Why won’t Immigration Services provide relief for this abused guestworker?

Oct 21, 2015 / Michelle Chen

Exxon Knew Everything There Was to Know About Climate Change by the Mid-1980s—and Denied It

Exxon Knew Everything There Was to Know About Climate Change by the Mid-1980s—and Denied It Exxon Knew Everything There Was to Know About Climate Change by the Mid-1980s—and Denied It

And thanks to their willingness to sucker the world, the world is now a chaotic mess.

Oct 20, 2015 / Bill McKibben


Why Is the CBO Concocting a Phony Debt Crisis? Why Is the CBO Concocting a Phony Debt Crisis?

A simple accounting trick is arming austerity hawks with a powerful, phony weapon.

Oct 15, 2015 / Ari Rabin-Havt
