
Martin Shkreli Is Just a Tiny Part of a Huge Problem

Martin Shkreli Is Just a Tiny Part of a Huge Problem Martin Shkreli Is Just a Tiny Part of a Huge Problem

Americans were outraged over his 5,000 percent price hike of a life-saving drug. They should see what Big Pharma has in store.

Sep 25, 2015 / Gregg Gonsalves

You Can’t Fight Poverty With a Concert

You Can’t Fight Poverty With a Concert You Can’t Fight Poverty With a Concert

Global Citizen’s celebrity-packed festival aims to mobilize millennials against poverty. That’s pointless if it strips politics from the fight.

Sep 24, 2015 / Benjamin Cohen and Elliot Ross

Pope Francis Environment

Can the Pope Get the US to Take Climate Change Seriously? Can the Pope Get the US to Take Climate Change Seriously?

Pope Francis says the “time is now” for major action on economic, social, and climate justice.

Sep 23, 2015 / John Nichols

A Duluth, Minnesota police officer wearing a body camera.

We Don’t Even Know How Best to Use Body Cameras—Let Alone Regulate Them We Don’t Even Know How Best to Use Body Cameras—Let Alone Regulate Them

Don’t expect an end to police brutality by giving law enforcement a new tool for their arsenal.

Sep 23, 2015 / Ava Kofman

Word made flesh: A demonstrator awaits the Court’s decision in the Hobby Lobby case, June 30, 2014.

How ‘Hobby Lobby’ Launched a Right-Wing Crusade How ‘Hobby Lobby’ Launched a Right-Wing Crusade

The 2014 ruling has enabled corporations and Christian zealots to claim “religious liberty” as an excuse to deny women’s rights and skirt the law.

Sep 23, 2015 / Feature / Dahlia Lithwick

As the 2016 Campaigns Heat Up, the Moment Still Belongs to the People

As the 2016 Campaigns Heat Up, the Moment Still Belongs to the People As the 2016 Campaigns Heat Up, the Moment Still Belongs to the People

What once seemed unexpected is no longer unthinkable.

Sep 22, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Did the Fish and Wildlife Service Just Doom This Bird to Extinction?

Did the Fish and Wildlife Service Just Doom This Bird to Extinction? Did the Fish and Wildlife Service Just Doom This Bird to Extinction?

Big Oil was desperate to keep the sage grouse off the endangered-species list. Here’s why.

Sep 22, 2015 / Jimmy Tobias

Iran Business Boom

Iran Will Soon Be a Corporate Gold Mine—and for Once, the GOP Doesn’t Care Iran Will Soon Be a Corporate Gold Mine—and for Once, the GOP Doesn’t Care

With the easing of sanctions, countries are rushing to invest, but Republicans are still caught up in a paroxysm of Islamophobia.

Sep 21, 2015 / Juan Cole

Etsy staff

Tell Etsy to Pay Its Fair Share of Taxes Tell Etsy to Pay Its Fair Share of Taxes

Despite its claim to be a socially responsible company, Etsy is taking advantage of secretive tax-haven laws in Ireland.

Sep 18, 2015 / NationAction

Financial Markets Wall Street Federal Reserve

Low Interest Rates Help Private-Equity Moguls and Hurt Average Americans Low Interest Rates Help Private-Equity Moguls and Hurt Average Americans

Today’s near-zero rates are free money for investors, but murder for savers and retirees.

Sep 18, 2015 / William D. Cohan
