Eric Cantor Defeated by a Conservative Who Rips Crony Capitalism Eric Cantor Defeated by a Conservative Who Rips Crony Capitalism
The Republican who pulled off 2014’s biggest upset is very conservative—and very critical of big corporations.
Jun 11, 2014 / John Nichols

Can the Internet Be a ‘People’s Platform’? A Q&A With Astra Taylor Can the Internet Be a ‘People’s Platform’? A Q&A With Astra Taylor
Her new book reconsiders how democratic the digital world really is.
Jun 4, 2014 / Sarah Leonard

Can Big Oil Retake Richmond, California? Can Big Oil Retake Richmond, California?
In 2008, progressives won control of City Hall. Now, as elections loom, Chevron wants to take it back.
May 21, 2014 / Feature / Steve Early

Elizabeth Warren Explains Why She Ran for Office Elizabeth Warren Explains Why She Ran for Office
And vows to fight for people who got screwed by Wall Street.
May 6, 2014 / Feature / Elizabeth Warren

ExxonMobil’s New Guinea Nightmare ExxonMobil’s New Guinea Nightmare
How a US government loan enabled an environmentally destructive project plagued by lethal landslide, police repression and civil unrest.
Apr 30, 2014 / Feature / Ian T. Shearn

The New Abolitionism The New Abolitionism
Averting planetary disaster will mean forcing fossil fuel companies to give up at least $10 trillion in wealth.
Apr 22, 2014 / Feature / Chris Hayes

Want to Stop Climate Change? Take the Fossil Fuel Industry to Court Want to Stop Climate Change? Take the Fossil Fuel Industry to Court
Big Carbon is where Big Tobacco was, before it started losing.
Apr 21, 2014 / Feature / Dan Zegart

‘Bogus and Unconscionably High Fees’: How Tax Preparers Are Preying on Low-Income People ‘Bogus and Unconscionably High Fees’: How Tax Preparers Are Preying on Low-Income People
Stephen Black appears on Melissa Harris-Perry to discuss how predators set up shop and grab a cut of their victims’ tax refunds.
Apr 14, 2014 / Melissa Harris-Perry

Why Wall Street Firms Make Terrible Landlords Why Wall Street Firms Make Terrible Landlords
The New York real estate market has become a private equity playground, and the result has been a disaster for tenants and the market alike.
Apr 8, 2014 / Laura Gottesdiener

GOP Pro–Gay Marriage Funder’s Other Agenda: Bombing Iran GOP Pro–Gay Marriage Funder’s Other Agenda: Bombing Iran
Paul Singer is one of the Republican Party’s most effective fundraisers—and a leading proponent of using military force against Tehran.
Apr 7, 2014 / Eli Clifton