WikiLeaks Haiti: A Response to Levi Strauss WikiLeaks Haiti: A Response to Levi Strauss
Levi Strauss objects to our story on Haiti's minimum wage increase. We stand by our original reporting and set the record straight on what we did and did not say.
Jun 10, 2011 / The Editors
Wall Street Finally Lost a Battle, but Only Because it Was Up Against Another Giant Wall Street Finally Lost a Battle, but Only Because it Was Up Against Another Giant
A new law requires the Feds to limit “swipe fees”—sums that banks charge retailers when a customer uses a debit or credit card at their store. Will consumers be...
Jun 9, 2011 / Russia Today
Has Obama Found a Replacement for Elizabeth Warren at the CFPB? Has Obama Found a Replacement for Elizabeth Warren at the CFPB?
The Obama Administration seems determined to push Elizabeth Warren out the door at the very moment it needs her the most.
Jun 9, 2011 / Ari Berman

The Rise of Benefit Corporations The Rise of Benefit Corporations
A growing number of states are introducing laws that permit companies to pursue social missions without fear of shareholder litigation.
Jun 8, 2011 / Feature / Jamie Raskin
In Oregon, a Grassroots Campaign for a State Bank In Oregon, a Grassroots Campaign for a State Bank
Legislation proposing a publicly owned state bank, the underpinning of a truly local economy, stands a good chance of passing in this session.
Jun 8, 2011 / Feature / Barbara Dudley
Reforming Limited Liability Law Reforming Limited Liability Law
It’s time to recognize limited liability for what it is: a subsidy for corporations paid by those hurt by malfeasance.
Jun 8, 2011 / Feature / Kent Greenfield
Inclusive Capitalism: Improving Benefits and Performance With Smarter Incentive Pay Plans Inclusive Capitalism: Improving Benefits and Performance With Smarter Incentive Pay Plans
Congress should allow tax deductions for incentive pay schemes only if they distribute the rewards to the majority of workers.
Jun 8, 2011 / Feature / Joseph Blasi, Douglas Kruse, and Richard B. Freeman
Performance-Related Compensation for Corporate Executives Performance-Related Compensation for Corporate Executives
Hotshot CEOs should be required to play by the same rules as small business owners, who have a personal stake in the companies they run.
Jun 8, 2011 / Feature / Vincent A. Panvini Jr.
No Free Parking for Monopoly Players: Time to Revive Anti-Trust Law No Free Parking for Monopoly Players: Time to Revive Anti-Trust Law
The concentration of wealth and power among a few mega-corporations threatens our political and economic freedoms.
Jun 8, 2011 / Barry C. Lynn

Swipe Fee Showdown in the Senate: Big Business vs. Big Business Swipe Fee Showdown in the Senate: Big Business vs. Big Business
Wall Street is poised to lose a major battle in Washington today—but only because another enormous industry chose to take it on.
Jun 8, 2011 / George Zornick