
The ‘Badger Advocates’: Corporate Advocates, Not UW-Madison Advocates The ‘Badger Advocates’: Corporate Advocates, Not UW-Madison Advocates

At the University of Wisconsin-Madison a group of corporate lobbyist will be working to turn the university into a quasi-private "public authority" institution. Other states that h...

Mar 8, 2011 / StudentNation / StudentNation

The Breakdown: Do Corporations Deserve ‘Personhood’?

The Breakdown: Do Corporations Deserve ‘Personhood’? The Breakdown: Do Corporations Deserve ‘Personhood’?

The Supreme Court recently ruled in FCC v AT&T that corporations cannot claim a right to personal privacy under the Constitution. Will that decision affect past cases that aff...

Mar 4, 2011 / Chris Hayes

Banksters Fighting Back With Higher Fees Banksters Fighting Back With Higher Fees

The banks are back! They’re paying out bonuses and raking in profits, we hear. But just how did they bounce back so fast? Let’s take Bank of America—they’re...

Mar 2, 2011 / Laura Flanders

Johann Hari: US Uncut Is Fed Up With Tax Evaders Johann Hari: US Uncut Is Fed Up With Tax Evaders

Johann Hari joins US Uncut's Ryan Clayton to talk about the wave anti-austerity activism in Europe that is now spreading to the US.

Mar 1, 2011 / Press Room

Slide Show: America’s Day of Action: US Uncut and Solidarity with Wisconsin

Slide Show: America’s Day of Action: US Uncut and Solidarity with Wisconsin Slide Show: America’s Day of Action: US Uncut and Solidarity with Wisconsin

On Saturday, February 26, progressives carried out a major day of action as protesters from coast to coast joined Wisconsin workers in solidarity against right-wing attacks on unio…

Feb 28, 2011 / Photo Essay / The Nation

The Breakdown: Why Aren’t Corporations Paying Their Taxes?

The Breakdown: Why Aren’t Corporations Paying Their Taxes? The Breakdown: Why Aren’t Corporations Paying Their Taxes?

With pressure for deficit reduction mounting on both sides of the aisle, will legislators go after uncollected corporate taxes? Christopher Hayes asks David Cay Johnston why this r...

Feb 25, 2011 / Chris Hayes

Katrina vanden Heuvel: The GOP’s Budgets Use ‘Junk Math’ Katrina vanden Heuvel: The GOP’s Budgets Use ‘Junk Math’

The Republican state governors who want to cut funding for schools, universities and public employees are still giving out billions of dollars in tax cuts to big businesses and...

Feb 24, 2011 / Press Room

Katrina vanden Heuvel: The GOP’s Budgets Use ‘Junk Math’ Katrina vanden Heuvel: The GOP’s Budgets Use ‘Junk Math’

The Republican state governors who want to cut funding for schools, universities and public employees are still giving out billions of dollars in tax cuts to big businesses and c...

Feb 24, 2011 / MSNBC

Did You Join US Uncut on Saturday? Send Us Your Pictures

Did You Join US Uncut on Saturday? Send Us Your Pictures Did You Join US Uncut on Saturday? Send Us Your Pictures

This Saturday, February 26, a new grassroots movement began their series of protests against Bank of America's tax evasion at locations across the country. The Nation wants your im...

Feb 24, 2011 / The Nation

Will the Arab Revolt Challenge Big Oil ? Will the Arab Revolt Challenge Big Oil ?

So far it's about freedom, but the region's vast wealth—its oil and state-owned enterprises—is at stake.

Feb 22, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss
