
Jurassic Ballot Jurassic Ballot

Like the monsters in a Hollywood movie, corporations are attacking our democracy.

Oct 25, 2010 / Rebecca Solnit

The Breakdown: How Will Citizens United Shape Our Democracy?

The Breakdown: How Will Citizens United Shape Our Democracy? The Breakdown: How Will Citizens United Shape Our Democracy?

Lawrence Lessig talks to Chris Hayes about what progressives can do to combat the destructive effects of corporate money in elections.

Oct 21, 2010 / Chris Hayes

Foreclosure Fraud Fallout

Foreclosure Fraud Fallout Foreclosure Fraud Fallout

As long as Obama allows banks to write their own rules on foreclosure, he's a willful participant in their ongoing scam.

Oct 20, 2010 / Kai Wright

Fight for Your Right to Vote for CEO Pay Fight for Your Right to Vote for CEO Pay

The Chamber of Commerce and other big business groups are lobbying the US Securities and Exchange Commission to change the rules, allowing corporations more control over the voting...

Oct 20, 2010 / Laura Flanders

Former Fannie Mae Lobbyist Tom Donilon to Become National Security Adviser Former Fannie Mae Lobbyist Tom Donilon to Become National Security Adviser

Why would President Obama, whose legacy has been sabotaged by a housing crisis that Tom Donilon helped create and conceal, hire him to run the most sensitive position of public t...

Oct 20, 2010 / Robert Scheer

Robert Scheer Takes Down the Architects of the Financial Crisis Robert Scheer Takes Down the Architects of the Financial Crisis

According to a review just published in the Los Angeles Times, Scheers new book breaks down the economic policy decisions that created the financial crisis, and calls out the men w...

Oct 18, 2010 / Press Room

Corporations Hide Election Spending From the Public Eye Corporations Hide Election Spending From the Public Eye

To take advantage of Citizens United while shielding themselves from accountability, corporate interests have begun steering election funding through nonprofits and trade associati...

Oct 18, 2010 / Public Advocate Bill de Blasio and Controller Wendy Greuel

The Breakdown: What Caused the Foreclosure Crisis?

The Breakdown: What Caused the Foreclosure Crisis? The Breakdown: What Caused the Foreclosure Crisis?

Bank of America—the largest US bank—has just said that it will halt foreclosures in 23 states due to documentation irregularities. How did we get into the foreclosure crisis in the...

Oct 15, 2010 / Chris Hayes

Invasion of the Robot Home Snatchers Invasion of the Robot Home Snatchers

The Titanic that is the US housing market has just sprung its biggest leak.

Oct 13, 2010 / Robert Scheer

Hey Michelle, Read My Book Hey Michelle, Read My Book

Surely Michelle Obama knows that this administration has thrown trillions at the banks in hope that they would respond with mortgage relief for struggling homeowners—and got...

Oct 6, 2010 / Robert Scheer
