How Racist Car Dealers KO’d Joe Louis How Racist Car Dealers KO’d Joe Louis
A never-before-published tranche of letters reveals the white-collar racism that prevented the world’s most popular athlete from selling Fords.
May 8, 2023 / Silke-Maria Weineck

Clarence Thomas Is Protected by Powerful Enablers From Both Parties Clarence Thomas Is Protected by Powerful Enablers From Both Parties
Our lawless Supreme Court is shielded by a bipartisan elite ranging from Liz Cheney to Dick Durbin.
May 5, 2023 / Jeet Heer

What the Country Refused to Learn From the Pandemic What the Country Refused to Learn From the Pandemic
However briefly, the pandemic showed us that such an American world is not only possible but right at our fingertips.
May 4, 2023 / Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis

Do Charitable Write-Offs Pay Off? Do Charitable Write-Offs Pay Off?
The nonprofit-industrial complex would have you believe they do.
Apr 28, 2023 / Rebecca Gordon

No, You Absolutely Do Not Have to Hand It to Tucker Carlson No, You Absolutely Do Not Have to Hand It to Tucker Carlson
Contra some of his leftist stans, the ousted Fox News host was not actually anti-war or an economic populist.
Apr 28, 2023 / Jeet Heer

Pick ’Em: Making Sense of the Free-for-All Primary for Mayor of Philadelphia Pick ’Em: Making Sense of the Free-for-All Primary for Mayor of Philadelphia
For a job the current incumbent seems eager to leave, the contest has drawn a remarkably diverse field of candidates—and no obvious front-runner.
Apr 26, 2023 / Gene Seymour

Private Equity Is Killing Your Pets Private Equity Is Killing Your Pets
Private equity firms have gobbled veterinary companies around the country—and the results have been disastrous.
Apr 25, 2023 / Brendan Ballou

There Is No Future for a Labor Movement That Fails to Organize at Amazon There Is No Future for a Labor Movement That Fails to Organize at Amazon
In the 20th century, organizing basic industries like coal, steel, and manufacturing automobiles was key to reviving the labor movement. Today, Amazon workers occupy the same strat...
Apr 24, 2023 / Jonathan Rosenblum

How Reading “The Economist” Helped Me to Stop Worrying About White Supremacy How Reading “The Economist” Helped Me to Stop Worrying About White Supremacy
A recent viral sensation identifies the migration of poor whites as the cause of the problem—letting the rest of us off the hook!
Apr 21, 2023 / Sarah Taber

Thanks to Dominion’s Lawsuit, We Got the Truth About Fox. The Rest Is Up to Us. Thanks to Dominion’s Lawsuit, We Got the Truth About Fox. The Rest Is Up to Us.
Now we know that Fox deliberately lied about its role in vote-switching for Biden. Future lawsuits start there. So do we.
Apr 20, 2023 / Joan Walsh