Why Confrontation With China Threatens the Progressive Agenda Why Confrontation With China Threatens the Progressive Agenda
Playing up the China threat might look like a no-brainer for Democrats trying to beef up their foreign policy credentials. But the strategy could backfire.
Aug 1, 2019 / Jake Werner

Elizabeth Warren’s Trade Plan Empowers Workers, Not Corporations Elizabeth Warren’s Trade Plan Empowers Workers, Not Corporations
The Massachusetts senator’s latest plan is about power as much as policies.
Jul 31, 2019 / Todd N. Tucker

Bernie Sanders’s Bold Ideas Are Transforming Democratic Politics Bernie Sanders’s Bold Ideas Are Transforming Democratic Politics
The media seems too eager to write off his profound impact on the 2020 race.
Jul 30, 2019 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Facebook Wants Its Own Currency. That Should Scare Us All. Facebook Wants Its Own Currency. That Should Scare Us All.
Instead of embracing Facebook’s Libra, we should be rallying for a public option for digital currency.
Jul 22, 2019 / Rohan Grey

How Dockworkers Are Fighting the Arms Trade How Dockworkers Are Fighting the Arms Trade
Across Europe, a series of coordinated actions at shipping ports have challenged Saudi violence against the Yemeni people.
Jul 16, 2019 / Katy Fox-Hodess

6 Years After the Rana Plaza Collapse, Are Garment Workers Any Safer? 6 Years After the Rana Plaza Collapse, Are Garment Workers Any Safer?
Despite major advancements in accountability, workers across the Global South are still struggling to gain real power in the workplace.
Jul 15, 2019 / Michelle Chen

There Are Too Few Companies and Their Profits Are Too High There Are Too Few Companies and Their Profits Are Too High
As industries get more concentrated, businesses have to do less to earn more.
Jul 12, 2019 / Mike Konczal

Behind Oregon’s GOP Walkout Is a Sordid Story of Corporate Cash Behind Oregon’s GOP Walkout Is a Sordid Story of Corporate Cash
Industry and belligerence won out over climate legislation.
Jun 28, 2019 / Zoë Carpenter

Branding Fake Justice for Generation Z Branding Fake Justice for Generation Z
Meet Brud, the secretive tech start-up here to outfit corporations with fashionable social causes—through elaborate CGI fiction.
Jun 28, 2019 / Emmeline Clein

Corporate Wolves in Academic Sheepskins, or, a Billionaire’s Raid on the University of Tulsa Corporate Wolves in Academic Sheepskins, or, a Billionaire’s Raid on the University of Tulsa
This sordid tale of crony capitalism under the guise of public philanthropy is another chapter in the corporatization of higher ed.
Jun 18, 2019 / StudentNation / Jacob Howland