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Letters From the November 5, 2018, Issue Letters From the November 5, 2018, Issue

Inequality, Inc.… Overruling the Court… A flaming outrage…

Oct 11, 2018 / Our Readers and Jamie Lincoln Kitman

Fred and Donald Trump

The Wealth-Defense Industry The Wealth-Defense Industry

Lessons from the Trumps’ tax-avoidance racket.

Oct 9, 2018 / Chuck Collins

Trump Saudi Arms Deal

How Much It Costs to Buy US Foreign Policy How Much It Costs to Buy US Foreign Policy

Everything—even support for human-rights atrocities—has a price.

Oct 4, 2018 / Benjamin Freeman

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Letters From the October 29, 2018, Issue Letters From the October 29, 2018, Issue

The Gore-y truth…

Oct 4, 2018 / Our Readers and Jason Mark

In Search of the Lost Republic

In Search of the Lost Republic In Search of the Lost Republic

Americans once believed that their government belonged to them. Can we again?

Oct 4, 2018 / Feature / D.D. Guttenplan

Trump USMCA Announcement

Trump’s Reality-TV Trade Deal Trump’s Reality-TV Trade Deal

He claims the new North American bill is a victory for US manufacturing, but it’s a lot like the TPP and does very little for US workers.

Oct 3, 2018 / Dean Baker

Health care worker with a stethoscope

Pharmaceutical Giants Have Avoided Paying About $2.3 Billion in Taxes in the US Alone Pharmaceutical Giants Have Avoided Paying About $2.3 Billion in Taxes in the US Alone

Could that money be used to fund a more humane health-care system?

Oct 2, 2018 / Michelle Chen

Ben Jealous Profile

Don’t Count Out Ben Jealous and His Progressive Message for Maryland Don’t Count Out Ben Jealous and His Progressive Message for Maryland

A massive mobilization of an anti-Trump, heavily female, and African American base in a very blue state could lead to a November surprise.

Oct 2, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

FDA regulations

Can the US Provide a Public Option for Prescription Drugs? Can the US Provide a Public Option for Prescription Drugs?

Patient advocates and health-care experts say the government can get into the generic pharmaceuticals business—and it wouldn’t even require a new law.

Oct 1, 2018 / Joel Dodge and Sean McElwee

Is the World Bank Group Above the Law?

Is the World Bank Group Above the Law? Is the World Bank Group Above the Law?

A fishing community in India challenges the bank’s private-lending arm in the US Supreme Court.

Sep 27, 2018 / Feature / Barry Yeoman
