Campaign Finance

Protest in Chilpancingo Mexico

A Voter’s Guide to Hillary Clinton’s Policies in Latin America A Voter’s Guide to Hillary Clinton’s Policies in Latin America

Support for coup regimes, militarization and privatization, trade deals that wreak economic havoc—they reveal the failure of Clintonism.

Apr 15, 2016 / Greg Grandin

Democracy Spring Protesters

Hundreds of People Were Just Arrested Outside Congress Hundreds of People Were Just Arrested Outside Congress

One of the largest acts of civil disobedience in Washington barely got any attention from the mainstream press.

Apr 12, 2016 / George Zornick

Democracy Spring 2016

From Wisconsin to Washington, Americans Are Demanding an Amendment to Overturn ‘Citizens United’ From Wisconsin to Washington, Americans Are Demanding an Amendment to Overturn ‘Citizens United’

Referendum votes are sweeping Wisconsin, while Democracy Spring protesters are demanding an end to elections dominated by corporations and big money.

Apr 12, 2016 / John Nichols

I Used to Support Bernie, but Then I Changed My Mind

I Used to Support Bernie, but Then I Changed My Mind I Used to Support Bernie, but Then I Changed My Mind

I have a variety of concerns about both candidates’ campaigns. But I intend to vote for Hillary Clinton in the California primary for one fundamental reason.

Apr 12, 2016 / Tom Hayden

The Welcome Rebellion in the Democratic Party

The Welcome Rebellion in the Democratic Party The Welcome Rebellion in the Democratic Party

The rambunctious political discussions currently roiling the Democratic party will only make it stronger come November.

Apr 12, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders

Memo to Bernie and Hillary: It’s Time for a Time Out Memo to Bernie and Hillary: It’s Time for a Time Out

If the Democratic Party had an adult in the room, they would be telling both candidates they need to take a step back.

Apr 8, 2016 / D.D. Guttenplan

Ballot box stuffed with money

How to Fight Big Money in 2016 and Beyond How to Fight Big Money in 2016 and Beyond

As Jeb Bush supporters discovered, money can’t make someone a great candidate—but it does function as a gatekeeper for one who is able to run a viable campaign in the first place.

Mar 22, 2016 / Layne Amerikaner

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton Is Exposing the Dark Underbelly of the Democrats’ Money Machine Hillary Clinton Is Exposing the Dark Underbelly of the Democrats’ Money Machine

Her campaign has put a spotlight on the cozy relationships between Democratic operatives and corporate America.

Mar 10, 2016 / Joshua Holland

Thousands March in North Carolina to Protest Voter Suppression

Thousands March in North Carolina to Protest Voter Suppression Thousands March in North Carolina to Protest Voter Suppression

Civil-rights activists mobilize to make their voices heard at the ballot box in 2016.

Feb 13, 2016 / Ari Berman

Donald Trump Speaking

Big GOP Donors Are to Blame for Their Party’s Clown-Car Primary Big GOP Donors Are to Blame for Their Party’s Clown-Car Primary

In another era, the “establishment” might be coalescing around a single candidate, and attacking Trump and Cruz. But there is no single Republican “establishment” today.

Feb 11, 2016 / Joshua Holland
