Campaign Finance

Republican Justice(s)

Republican Justice(s) Republican Justice(s)

Citizens United and Bush v. Gore don't stand alone. A decade worth of Supreme Court decisions has tiled the electoral playing field toward the Republicans.

May 21, 2010 / Herman Schwartz

Judging Elena Kagan

Judging Elena Kagan Judging Elena Kagan

Obama's Supreme Court nominee should be "borked."

May 13, 2010 / The Editors

How to Turn Congess, Inc., Back to Just Congress How to Turn Congess, Inc., Back to Just Congress

The biggest political scandal of our age is the pay-to-play system that buys up Congress, pollutes our political system with special-interest cash and deep-sixes the kind of bold ...

May 11, 2010 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Noted. Noted.

Morton Mintz on what Rehnquist would have thought of Citizens United; John Nichols on net neutrality.

Feb 4, 2010 / The Editors

How to Get Our Democracy Back How to Get Our Democracy Back

There will be no change until we change Congress.

Feb 3, 2010 / Feature / Lawrence Lessig

Corpus Ex Machina Corpus Ex Machina

Citizens United raises the questions: why is speech the functional equivalent of money, and why are corporations considered persons?

Jan 28, 2010 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Political Fever Political Fever

Since recent shock waves of populism, Obama has made some bigger promises.

Jan 28, 2010 / William Greider

Democracy Inc. Democracy Inc.

The Citizens United campaign finance decision makes it possible for the nation's most powerful economic interests to manipulate not just individual electoral contests but political...

Jan 28, 2010 / The Editors

The Big Kids Play With Corked Bats The Big Kids Play With Corked Bats

What if campaign finance reform took a page from baseball's playbook?

Oct 23, 2009 / Feature / Helen Rosenthal

Back to the Future for the RNC Back to the Future for the RNC

Republicans are trying to roll back the clock on campaign finance limits. Haven't they been paying attention?

Dec 12, 2008 / Feature / Laura MacCleery
