Campaign Finance

Clinton Follows the Money Clinton Follows the Money

Bill Clinton is moving to install Terry McAuliffe as the head of the DNC, a cynical move in this day of pay-to-play politics.

Dec 22, 2000 / William Greider

Measures That Mattered Measures That Mattered

As the media obsessed over the seesaw presidential poll, voters across the country quietly made their choices on more than 200 disparate ballot measures and initiatives. For prog...

Nov 10, 2000 / Marc Cooper

Taking the Initiatives Taking the Initiatives

In Michigan, it's a battle over school vouchers. In Alaska the fight is over medical marijuana. Nebraskans are being asked to outlaw civil unions. In Colorado, Amendment 25 would...

Oct 26, 2000 / The Editors

Influence Peddling, Bush Style Influence Peddling, Bush Style

Democrats weren't the only ones who benefited from knowing wealthy Asians.

Oct 5, 2000 / Feature / David Corn and Dan Moldea

‘Controlling Authority’ ‘Controlling Authority’

In campaign speeches George W. Bush repeats Al Gore's defense of his 1996 campaign fundraising phone calls from his government office--"there is no controlling legal authority"--...

Sep 28, 2000 / Robert L. Weinberg

First Amendment for the Rich? First Amendment for the Rich?

At stake is whether the twenty-first-century First Amendment will be a protector of the powerful or a resource for the weak and disfranchised.

Sep 25, 2000 / Feature / Burt Neuborne

Money Talks Money Talks

In this gilded-age election, big money is speaking louder than ever. And voters and large contributors to both parties agree that when money talks, politicians listen.

Aug 10, 2000 / Feature / Robert L. Borosage and Celinda Lake

American Money

In the Eighth Circle of Thieves In the Eighth Circle of Thieves

The power and sovereignty of corporations is an enormous humiliation to a society of free people.

Jul 27, 2000 / Feature / E.L. Doctorow

Paying to Party Paying to Party

It's no secret that the national conventions are no longer dramatic arenas in which the parties decide their presidential nominees or, for that matter, anything else of much impo...

Jul 27, 2000 / Feature / David Enrich

Gore’s Oil Money Gore’s Oil Money

Research assistance was provided by the Investigative Fund of the Nation Institute.

May 3, 2000 / Feature / Ken Silverstein
